
Jake: Explanation

“How long has it been?” a voice said.
I weary picked myself up from the mess that was the deck. It was covered in a multitude of junk I have collected. I looked up and saw Mandy, sitting on top of the console. I scolded at her and moved to the other side of the console.
“That’s not a good sign?” she said. I continued setting up with the console and ignored her.
“Jake. How long has it been?” I flipped the last switch and take a breath.
“I don’t know. A week? Month? I lost track of time.” I said, heading towards a monitor.
“It’s been three years, Jake.”
“Whatever.” I said, walking towards the door.
“Whatever? How funny ‘cause it doesn’t seem that way at all. Mainly because of the fact that you halted your aged a year ago.” she said, deadpan.
“I don’t care.”
“If you didn't care, then you wouldn’t be here, would you. You’d be at your desk, running G.E.E.K.”
“Yeah, I would.”
“Finally, a less angsty answer, even if it is sarcasm,” she said, with a slightly happier tone. I laughed a tiny bit.
“Jake, I know how you fe-”
“No you don’t, you’ve never suffered heartbreak.”
“I have.”
“Since when?”
“In the future.”
“So how can you know now?”
“I know myself. I’d know how it’d feel.”
“I thought so too.” I said, smiling slightly.
“That’s probably why you brought me here,”
I turned and faced her.
“You are always prepared for everything.”
“I guess.” I said, still slightly smiling.
“My only question is why three years?”
“Who knows?”
“How are you, Jake?”
I glared at her.
“You know what I meant.”
“No. I don’t.”
“You know why I’m here?”
“You told me to come here.”
“Yeah, and?”
“Are you ready?”
“You’re being awfully vague.”
“You told me, in your words, to help you.”
“And how are you going to do that?” I asked, getting slightly frustrated.
“Do you feel ready?”
“I don’t know! I need to know what I need to be ready for first.”
“To heal.”
“Just tell me, Mandy.”
“You'd never do it if I told you.”
“Great, it’s one of those. Fine, I’m ready for whatever it is.”
“Are you sure?”
“Not at all, but I know you’re going to get me to do it one day.”
“Alright.” she said, pushing down a lever on the console.
“Have fun.”
I opened the telephone box door and found myself was inside a lemonade store. It was quiet and oddly sober. From what I remembered, this was a place Rania would go to after school. Thinking about her left me...
I walked to the service desk and ordered a blue slushie and picked out a bright red straw. I sunk into my seat and took a deep breath. It’s felt like centuries since I’ve been in a chill environment. Although, I was cold and glum as well. Everything reminded me of Rania, but that wasn’t why I was feeling this way. I didn’t know why... as I started to drift off, someone entered the store. I sharply turned towards the door and my brain tried recognizing who it was.
“Green apple please.”
It was Arnold. I was in no shape to see him after what I did after his relationship with Rania.
I took a long, deep breath.
He sat at my table and I panicked. He took a deep breath as well.
We sat there forever...
“Hi... Jake...” he said. I was too paralyzed.
“She’s okay... if you’re wondering...” he continued.
“I’m so sorry. I... I don’t know...”
“No,” I said.
“I should be sorry.”
“Why?” he asked, puzzled.
And so, I told him.
Everything I wished I told to Rania.

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