
Blog-iary: #Shipping #OTP PREVIEW #2

Later on that day in a group chat, Danny, Jen, Jenny and I came up with a plan for tomorrow. We said we would pretend that we had something to do so the two of them could be alone. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Doesn't it seem suspicious that all the friends just happened to have something to do at the same time?” Well, I’m glad you said that because, if there’s anything I know about love, It prevents you from thinking logically. So, In this case, Mike and Val will probably be distracted by how much they’re in love with each other to notice.

Around two pm, I arrived at the gang’s hangout spot. Normally, whenever people hang out at school, 90% of the time it’s in locations near school. Places like the mini-park next to school or the shopping center across the street. It’s no wonder why we had decided to go to the mini park.
When I arrived, I already saw Val and Mike under a tree, sharing a pop tart together.
“Hey Dan!” Val said.
“Salutations Dan!” Mike said.
“Ello governors,” I said. I’ve been around Danny so frequently for the past few days that I’m starting to talk like him.
“So, what are we doing?” I asked.
“Well, Val and I were having a discussion about the new episode of The Adventures of Rania Lords,” Mike said.
“Oh cool. Did you watch the season finale?” I said.
“YES! I can’t believe Arnold would say that to her!” Val said.
“I know right! I wonder how things will be next season.” I said.
“I bet Rania is going to move on to another guy or might spend the whole season thinking over what happened,” Mike said.
“I hope we see Jake again,” Val said.
“He’s probably still heartbroken over the whole breakup.”
“Speaking of which, what the heck is G.E.E.K?” she asked.
“I have no idea,” Mike answered.
“Wasn’t it just a club he was a part of?”
“Well, yeah, but he said it could save the world so I don’t think it’s a club.” he said.
“That’s a theory for another day. Anyway, where’s Jen and Jenny, Dan?” Val asked.
“Oh, Jen has some out-of-school project to work on. Jenny should be coming soon. Do you all know where Danny is?” I said.
“Right here!” Danny yelled from behind me and next to him was Jenny.
“Jen’s at Safeway; she said she could be here for only like ten minutes,” Jenny said.
We all started talking a bit about the past week and TV show stuff for twenty minutes. A while  into our trashy debate over the Larsmo ship, Jen came over with a bag full of stuff while sipping a slushie. She geared the conversation into a discussion about some old obscure 80’s cartoon that only she, Val and Jenny knew about. One by one,Jen and Jenny left. I was the last one to leave and said that I had work I needed to finish. I then went around the school to the other side to meet up with Jen, Jenny, and Danny.


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