
The Adventures of Rania Lords: The Diary Thief


Dear diary, 
I'm super tired from green team and not a lot has happened since my last entry. I'm not talking to Arnold that much other than a greeting or a thank you. I'm really worried that we might be splitting apart and might never be friends again. I'm gonna try talking to him soon. See ya later. 
Rania Lords 
Dear diary,
OMFG, IT'S BEEN TWO FLOCKING WEEKS SINCE MY LAST ENTRY. Sorry I had lost you on the bus but technically you were stolen, not lost. The only way I could keep up with my entries was to first write on a piece of paper and then got a notebook from Jake. When I found out that I lost you I freaked the freak out and searched for paper. I'm
gonna re-enter all my entries.

Dear paper,
OH. MY. FLOCKING. GLOOOOOBBB!!!  I THINK I LEFT MY DIARY ON THE BUS! I'M FREAKING OUT and I'm HOPING that my diary hasn't been stolen or read by some bus riders.  I just have to wait but I have a gut feeling that someone's
gonna do what that girl from Zoey 101 did. Right now I think I'm cooled down enough to try to do what I had said in my last entry and try to talk to my ex-crush\boyfriend.


He blocked me... He freaking blocked me on Google Hangout and I just can't believe it. After our long friendship, it finally ended. I think I'm about to cry. After everything we did and been through, he just blocked me and ignored me. I just can't believe it. I got to go, night.
Rania Lords
- - -

Dear paper and other pieces of paper,
I just came back from school and I should be a nervous wreck but I'm not. My fear came true but it wasn't horrible. I'm actually optimistic about this cliche. Anyway, this morning I found a note in my locker.

The first thing that came to my mind was the Zoey 101 episode where this happened then I thought April had to have done this. In the the episode, the secret stealer was an ex-lover of Zoey's *SPOILERS* soon to be boyfriend, Chase; so it had to be April because it's sort of the same thing. I continue to read the note.
Wait, what? I thought, it was confusing. This didn't play out the way in the Zoey 101 episode, she was blackmailed into doing the macarena. Not to fix the connection I have with my sort of ex-boyfriend and I'm still was confused even after 5 periods.
At lunch, Angel and I went to our regular seats but Arnold sat with Benny since the dance. I go over and try talking to Arnold.
"Hey, Arnold." I said.
"Hello." He said. Benny realized what we were doing so he excuses himself and goes to where Angel was. I take his seat.
"So, how's life so far?" He said.
"Pretty good but green team is breaking my back."
"Same thing with football for me."
"Wait, you play football?"
"Yeah, I forgot to tell you that I've tried out."
"Cool, did you guys play a game yet?"
"No, we're just practicing."
"How are you going to balance the play with that?"
"I'll find a way." He said. We went on and on talking about our lives and stuff. Before seventh period I go to my locker and find another note from the anonymous Zoey 101 fan (that's what I'm calling her).

Oh no!! I'm suppose to meet Jake after school at Mel's! What if he sees me with him. He might get jealous or hurt and I can't have that happen. Arnold and I would have to hurry up to prevent that. When the final bell rang I headed towards my locker and Arnold comes up to me and nervously asked me if I wanted to walk home together.
"You can walk me to Mel's but no hand holding or anything like that." I replied, joking nervously.
"Don't worry, I'm just here to have a walk with a regular everyday friend." He said.
We walk and talk from there to Mel's and we're really reconnected but I really hope he tries to talk to me again after this. He's been my friend for such a long time and I don't want to lose him. Anyway, he walked me in and sat down with me but I wanted to say that Jake was coming but I got a text from him. Arnold also got a text from someone else too. 

"I've got ten minutes, want to talk?" I said.
"Yeah, I've got ten minutes, too. April wants me to meet her at the basketball courts."  He said.
"Jake asked me to come to the park/soccer field and to bring a slushie. Are you still dating April?"
"We talk a little sometimes... wait, what if he and her are...?"
"But you need to get Jake's slushie first."
"Oh yeah." I said. We get our slushie and Jake's the run all the way back to the school. We split up and I found Jake at the the hill with a picnic basket while April was at the basketball courts, worried.
"Hey Rania, so do you want to go to your street's park or stay here?" Jake said.
"Uhhhhhhh," I look behind me and see April and Arnold. I was far enough to be able to see his face and he seemed confused and April sort of looked at me.
"Can we go to the playground place?" I replied.
"But let's not walk up the hill, we should go the regular way."
We walk there and we pass April and Arnold and she stares at me for a bit while talking. They had to be talking about me but what could it be about. Anyway, Jake and I have our picnic and it was really fun and in the end he gave me journal so I gave him my special weird pinkish pen. It was exactly what I needed because I'm starting to get to the end of my last page. After the picnic, we take the bus home and Jake gives me a good bye kiss on my hand. I'm really optimistic about how this Zoey 101 cliché is going to go through but I'm worried about what they were talking about. See you later and don't worry, I'll put you in my journal's pockets.
Rania Lords
- - -
Dear Journal.

It's Monday, first period and I'm extremely worried. I got another note from the Zoey 101 fan.
Who's her other friends?!! When are they going to start sending me notes?!! UHG! The suspense is killing me!!!!!! I'll update you later.
Rania Lords
- - -
Dear Journal,
Oh my glob... I was right!!!! April did steal my diary but I've been completely wrong about her this entire time. She isn't an Alfa b**ch but she has to. You're probably really confused so let me elaborate.
The final bell rang and I head to my locker but Arnold was right there, worried.
"Uh, hey Arnold?" I said.
"There's something I need to tell you."
"ARNOLD!!!" April yelled, from the top of the stairs.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Well, didn't you know? You can't trust me with secrets." He said.
"Wait, have you always been like this?" I said, they both ignore me.
"Ugh!! I can't believe you!!! Can you please keep the secret just for today, please?"
"Depends, are you going to return the thing?" He said, she growls.
"I WILL! Now can you go? I've got to talk to someone"
"Fine but if you don't give it back to me tomorrow, I'm gonna blab. See yaRania." He said, storming off. April leaves through the nearest door, opposite from the way Arnold went. Weird. I get all my stuff out of my locker and pack then go out the same way April went out. I go up to the top of the stairs and wait. For the first ten minutes I look at my phone and write some stuff and wait. In the middle of me typing a fanfic, I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn my head and see none other than April.
"No time to explain, follow me!!!" She said, pulling my arm towards the gym closest storage thingy near us. April takes out a hair pin and tries to pick the lock.
"Wait, did you steal my journal?" I asked, she unlocks the door.
"Yes, now stay quite!" April said, pulling me into the closest.
"My friends are after me because I stole your diary back from them." She whispered.
"Oh, did you send me the notes?" I whispered back.
"But that's unlike you."
"Rania, I'm not a b**ch like everyone thinks I am. I do care about people and I really hate the mean stuff I do. The only reason I do this is because of my friends. Ever since I moved to Rockville in fifth grade I've been friends with them but enable to be their friends I had to act mean to all the people who they thought "deserved" it. I tried speaking out but they said that if I stop being their "friend" they'll spread rumors about me and would spend their entire school career making sure that I'll never get friends. I had to do something when their puppetry caused me to split up a friendship. The only way I could right my gigantic wrong was toooo... blackmail you annnnd Arnold. I know what you're thinking, blackmailing you is b**chy but if I tried talking to you, you would probably say go away or something like that."
"Oh, wow... I guess... are you really a nice person?"
"Yeah , but I can never show it." I was super confused.
"If my friends and I become your friend do you promise to be a nice person?" I said. Oddly, I did not the think I was out of my mind (even right now).  But deep down inside I could tell she really was a nice person when she agreed and smiled.
"So, how do we deal with them?"
"My friends, while I was telling my story, I heard them came here and are silently waiting for us to come out." She said then they start pounding on the door.
"We can face them." I suggested (for dramatic effect).
"They'll threaten me." She replied
"Face them for a second then run." I added (still need that dramatic effect).
"That'll work."
We tell them to back away and open the door and run for it towards the bus and ride all the way my house. At home, we talk about the entire b**ch act. It was really interesting and she was a great actor. To prove she was acting she actually acted as some characters and it was astounding. It was shocking but it shouldn't have been because she was too much of an alfa-b**ch for it to be an everyday b**ch. Anyway, see ya later.
Rania Lords
P.S. It's eleven o'clock and I'm in bed but more importantly I'd just got a text from April.

I thought she was going to change. I guess it's like that saying/cliche.
- - -
Dear Journal,
This is will be my last entry until I lose my diary again. Anyway, it's Friday night and April, Arnold, Angel, Benny and I are watching Lemonade Mouth right now. You're probably confused again, so let me elaborate... again.
The rest of the week, April had done the same thing but looked miserable the entire time. On Thursday, I couldn't take her misery so I got up and headed towards her table but half way through my common sense hit me. If I go alone, they'll gang up on me so I turn back and ask Angel, Benny and Arnold to come.
"Why should I help her after all she's done?" Arnold said.
Weeeelll, if you want you're journal back, you'll better help." I said.
"Wait, you have my journal?"
"Yep," I lied. How else am I'm suppose to convince him?
"so if you want it back you better help."
We go over and I slam my fist on the lunch table and it still hurts.
"What do you want?" One of April's friends say.
"I think you have something of ours."
"And what would that be?"
"My diary and his journal." I said pointing to Arnold.
"Wait, what?" Arnold said.
"We don't have your diary." Said the same friend, grouchy.
"Oh yeah? Then why do I have texts from your 'leader' stating you had my diary."
"Fine but we're not giving it back too you until you follow every single one of our embarrassing task or-"
"Or you'll try to post all my stuff on 
Instagram, yeah, I already got the note." I interrupted
Uhh, yeah. Now April, can you please take her away."

"..." April didn't respond.
"I'm not going to do it anymore."
"Do what?"
"Being your puppet!! I'm done with being this horrible person you want me to be because it's not me and it's ruining lives and relationships!!! And for what reason do these innocent people get harassed? Oh because you don't like them!!!!! You guys are horrible and I'm done being associated with you. GOODBYE!!" She said, getting out of her chair and walks to where we were.
"Also, you stole a diary from and the way you did it, I could report you so may I please have it?" She added and they gave her it, she gives Arnold and I our dairies.
"Is it ok if I can hang out with you guys?" She asked with a genuine smile and we all agreed. Everyone really got to connect with April and I'm glad I got to know her. If we were enemies we would have never got to know each other.

After school we were walking down the back parking lot when we were bun bared by a group of people (who I think splashed 
slushie juice during the dance). A few push all of us to the ground and I drop my iPod and it breaks then the girl who talked out during lunch stomped on it. There's my latest fan fiction out the window.
"Let the torching begin, April. Like we said, we. Will. CRUSH. Also, if you all are wondering, my name is Dina, BYE!" She said dragging my iPod's guts with her foot. Great another Alfa b**
Right now I'm finishing up but I dropped my diary getting a soda a few feet away. It flipped to a place where I think April wrote stuff. I'm 
gonna read it.
Rania lords 

Dear diary,

Ello governors! How was my late or early story release of story 6 in the series. I'm gonna do a behind the pages stuff so I'll explain my feels.

Behind The Writing


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