
Blog-iary: First Week of 8th Grade

June 28, 2016            
A day with Blooface Entertainment
Hey guys! It's Danny with Blog-iary news.
I just came back from filming a book Q&A with Audio Bloo (The Youtube Channel). Sorry I'm publishing this at eleven. After the Q&A I got emotional and decided I should just relax in bed and read some of Blog-iary: Getting over. What am I staling for? Here's what happened:
I wonder if Dan is going to watch this? He is subscribed to Audio Bloo I wonder if he's been reading the blogs? He should of called by now, it's almost been a year! Where are you, Dan? Where are you? I thought.
He had to be somewhere, right? Anyway, I stoped at the street corner and wait for the street lamp to turn to Walk.
What kind of friend doesn't call for a year! AM I still his friend...?  Of course I am but I did shun him away... we should of never made that agreement. He could've stayed... but we would have still been friends... he would've been here... oh, Dan. I thought, then the lamp turned to walk.
I start walking towards YouTube space and try to stop thinking about Dan but it was too hard. Everything reminded me of Dan and how I ruined our friendship. Ugh! Once I walked into the building I said hi to everyone.
For the next 20 minutes I get ready by putting on makeup, reading some of blog-airy, and helping out with setting up stuff. The entire time I was nervous. What if Dan wasn't going to watch it? Page noticed me panicking so she said I shouldn't stress myself.
"I know, but what about Dan? What if he doesn't watch this? I just..."
"Don't worry, if he's a big fan, he should see it. Tell you what, for an hour after posting, we'll put it on unlisted and email it to him. What's his email address?" she said.
"It's and thanks for advice and this entire thing." I said, smiling a bit.
"You're welcome, now let's start the video."

"Hi, we're this is Audio Bloo." Sadie said.
 "And this is the first episode of Read Throughs with Famous Interneters. We're with Danny Binkle, the co-author of Blog-iary." Page said.
"Hey governors! So where do you want to start?"
"Just read cover to cover." Sadie said. I turn the pages to my Author's Note page.
"This book talks about my friend, Dan and our 8th grade year. This book isn't meant to tug at your heartstrings, or to create some huge fanbase, or to get tons of awards. The only reason I made this book is to reach out to Dan and anyone that knows him. I'm sorry, sooo sorry. Forgive me. From, the co-author, Danny Binkle... First week of 8th grade..."

August 29th, 2014
First Week of 8th Grade

Ello governors, today was the end of the first week of school and the start of the first school year with no bad luck. If you didn't know or if you're new to the blog, I've had seven years of bad luck since the summer of kindergarten going to first (stupid mirror). The bad luck was minor until 4th grade when I lost all of my friends and started to get bullied. Luckily I got other friends in the beginning of 5th grade. Everything was peachy keen until February 27, 2012 when my friends got into drama and we slowly broke up. But that was the start of my blog and I've been posting everything about bad luck and my run in's with the populars. Now today was the end of the first week and there's a reason I'm not posting this at the time I would normally do, but you'll have to read the rest to find that out.

The first three days were average. No problems or no bonuses. I did what I would do on a normal day and I didn't have a run in with the pop's (populars). On Thursday I signed up for a "helping" club called Buddies 4 Newbies. Club meetings start the first Thursday of school to the last Thursday before winter break. The club is only available for 7th-8th graders. What we do is make friends with new people in those grades. I think this is stupid since the mass majority of newbies become popular and I'm here like What. The. Actual. Fudge. Anyway, the only reason I'm doing this is because I need SSL hours (student service learning hours) to graduate and maybe get a scholarship cause green team isn't getting me enough and the library is only twice a week. (I already have 75 and I have a goal to get 1000 or more). I bet by the end of the year I should get 300 hours. Anyway, it was time to go to the club downstairs in the S.T.E.M room (it's a club and I never want to talk about it ever again in the history of this blog!!) I was going down when this guy bumped into to me.
"Hey!" I said. 
"Sorry, didn't see you there governor." He said
"Well, watch it next time." I said. I forgot to say that I'm anti-social cause the whole S.T.E.M thing, I never wanted to talk to anyone again.

At the meeting, the teacher (Mr. Bloo/my only BFF) in charge had told us what the club was about. Then he paired us up and hooray for over used cliches, I get paired up with a guy who bumped into me. And since today is the start of a new school year, let's count all the cliches this entire year.
Anyway, the guy's name was Danny (two for the cliches count, this is a cliches I like to called the Pete & Pete cliche). I bet he's going to be a cliches magnet.

"Ello governor, I'm Danny! Sorry for the bump in." Danny said.
Looks like I'm going to get an annoying one.... great. I thought.
"Hello, I'm Dan and I'm going to be your Oldie buddie." 
"What no special greeting?"
"You know, ello governor, hia, welcome, hey. You're obviously that kind of person. And why are you dressed like that, it doesn't match your personality and what's with the mean thoughts? All I'm doing is saying how much you-"
"Shhhhhh... now, let's start this slow, I am Dan and you are?"
"Can we talk outside? It's something in private, WE'RE GOING OUTSIDE MR. BLOO!!!" He said, then dragging me to the hall.
"What was that for?!!" I said, but he doesn't answer. He just creepily stares at me.
"Hello? Earth to Danny!"
"You know you shouldn't fake your personality. It's rude and gives me more of a job to deduct you." he said.
"Because I'm going to be your friend for however long it will be and I need to know everything about you."
"You'll know me in time!! Now can we PLEASE get back into the room."
"Not until you stop being grumpy, wait... until you stop pretending to be grumpy and listen to me."
"Fine! I'll stop being grumpy." I said, crossing my arms. I shouldn't have done that.
"Oh..." I said, uncrossing my arms and sitting down. Danny does the same thing too.
"If you're having trouble just sit down and relax." he said, sitting down and I do too.
"Soooo,you lost your friends and you're still not able to make friends. Is that the problem." he said. Like WTF, how did he know that!!
"How do I know? It's simple... if you watch BBC's Sherlock;"
Good, I do watch it.
"I saw that you get mad when people talk except teachers meaning you have some kind of vendetta against certain students at this school. Then you got mad when you bumped into me which shows that you do hate kids here AND you hate the place you're going to. You seemed madder than usual in the room so it must of brought back some memories you don't like. But the biggest thing that lead me to my theory is that you're mad at me trying to be friends with you. I pieced everything together and got that. You don't have to worry, I'll-_______________________________________________________________
"What's the matter? Something wrong?" Sadie said.
"It's what I'm about to say it's a lie... I lied to him right here... even though I knew he'll just ditch me after the club's done. I was wrong twice... let's just continue... I'll never-
-abandoned you like your old friends. I never go away unless you want me to. Friends?" he said, putting his hand in a handshaking position. I don't know why, but there was something special about this guy... like he's the pal I've been looking for my life. (Oops, sorry for the cliche, but It's true) So I agreed.

We went back into the classroom and talked about ourselves. Danny seemed somewhat interesting like he's been a geek and a popular which doesn't always happen (it's normally the other way around). He also likes most of the shows I like and he's written two books (an oh-really moment). He also told me he transferred here because of an accident at his school, but he was really vague about it. I asked if he could explain, but all he said was:
“I rather not talk about it... its something I've been trying to forget and talking about might get me emotionally..."
"Ok, I feel the same about my old friends."
"Yeah... friends are the worst... at least we won't be like that."
"Yeah, I ho-"
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!! It's time to go, but before we do that I have an assignment, you have to hang out with each other today, tomorrow, Saturday, or on Sunday for at least 1 hour. Take a selfie for prove and bring it to the next club meeting. MEETING IS ADJOURNED!" he said, then hit his desk with a gavel (One reason Mr. Bloo is my bestie: He's weird.). Everyone starts packing up, but before the bell rings Mr. Bloo calls us to his desk.
"So, Dan, how much do you like your new friend?" he said.
"Pretty good." I said.
I'm probably going to get annoyed by him in a few days. I thought.
"How about you, Danny?"
"Pretty good, but it IS going to be hard to get rid of his shyness." Danny said.
"I can tell."
Wait, what! I thought.
"I'll tell you on the way, Dan." Danny said, grabbing my arm and dragging me outside... in the cold pouring rain... great.
"GOVERNOR! CAN YOU STOP! IT'S POURING!!!" I shouted, stopping.
"Oh, you want to get your stuff?"
"Oh... I'm sorry..." he said, frowning.
"No, don't be sad... you didn't know." I said. I'm not a heartless guy.
"Yeah, let's get our stuff, what's your locker number? Mine is 117."
"It's 119..."I said.

You know what time it is... CLICHE COUNT!! Let's see what cliche we're up too:
This cliche is Strangers-Next-Door where a stranger that is a main character is near the main character.

Let's keep up the cliches!!

"I guess we're going to the same place then." he said and we did. I had to get my binder purse-thingy, my lunch bag, and my lunch bag bag (I know it's weird but what if it rains). Danny got his yellow rain boots (really weird), ducky umbrella (even werider), and a weird looking hat(should I be worried?), and a folder with all his work this week.

"Like what?"
"Your locker, that hat, umbrella, and boots."
His locker was decorated already and it had a lot on it like magnets, shelves, pictures of his friends, pictures of TV shows he likes, and tons of streamers. It should have taken a while to put all this up.
"So, I don't have friends and I'm not in the mood to be popular so whateves. This coming from a guy who has a bag bag."
"Ok, it's weird, but what about your locker, how did you get all this up?"
"On the first day of school, I had to stay after school because my mom didn't pick me up so I decorated."
"Oh... it looks great."
"Maybe we could decorate yours."
"I don't think so."
"Why... wait, I know why, you want to be popular."
"How did you find that out?"
"Everyone wants to be popular and you reacted to me saying popular and you pretend to be a person you're not AND you still care about how people think about you even though you don't want friends."
Awkward... I thought.
"Don't worry governor, I can help." Danny said.
"How? You aren't popular."
"Yes, but I have been and it takes lots of work, but I can easily see you can take it."
"You would really do that?"
"Yeah, and it'll be fun to have an my apprentice."
"Deal. Now, start calling me governor since that's obviously what you what to call peps. I know cause you said governor earlier."
"Ok, anything else you want to change?"
"You shouldn't hide what's under your shirt. It's ok, you're a Plain Arrow fan. I am too." He said, pointing to shirt.
"Ok... let's get to the bus."
"Ok, governor."
We went to the bus and talked for a bit. I'm really tired right now governors so I'll blog the next part tomorrow. Good Day, my governors!
"It's so funny looking back on these blogs. I lied right in his face and neither of us knew. I was soo different too, different than I am now. Soo weird. Really weird, now to the next chapter...; It really is weird revisiting this blog. Everything changed a year ago. A lot has changed, but it'll change someday to a better day. Anyway, let's continue... New friends are weird..."


Ello governors! It's me Kevin, not Dan. This was really fun to make and you should be expecting a lot more Blog-iary next next week but don't worry, you'll get Advice from Bloo. I also have another writer writing for Blog-iary and she'll be writing a story on soon (Maybe story five or six). I'll be posting stories on Thursdays, Fridays,or Saturdays. If it isn't completed in time I'll post it at 11 o'clock on saturday and the next part will be posted on any day before the saturday coming that week. Now here's a Mysterious Joke of the Day:

Mysterious Joke of the day:

Someone call Steven! (Not Moffat)


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