
The Adventures of Rania Lords: Essay Outline


I heard a person knocking against the recycling bin I fell in.
“You know I can see you in there?” a voice said.
I emerged from my recycling bin like a whale from the ocean. To my dismay, the person knocking was my assistant principal, Mr. Adams.
“Hello, Mr. Adams!” I said, cheerfully. The kind of cheerful where you know you’ve F-ed up, but don’t want to cause a scene.
“Hello, Rania. So, how are you?”
“Pretty good!”
“Really? I’d be shaken if I fell from a roof, into a recycling bin.”
“Oh, you saw that?” I said, pretending surprised.
“Very much so! It was almost,” He said, pretending to ponder what words to come up with.
“Highly dangerous... And purely stupid!”
“Oh...” I said, getting nervous.
“You know how much I’d give that dive out of a ten?” he asked.
“A zero out of ten?”
“Ha ha, more like a referral out of ten.” he said.
“Please, Mr. Adams, don’t give me a referral!” I begged.
“I won’t if you do one thing.”
“Give me an explanation on why all of this happened. With how crazy this entire week has been it would be nice to understand WHY these things are happening.”
“Well You see, my crush-”
“No, no, no. Write me an explanation on what happened. I’d prefer an essay.”
“Okay, Mr. Adams will do.”
“But do verbally give me an explanation on this; why are you wearing a Star Trek costume?”
“It’s Doctor who.”
“Of course.”
He dragged me down the hall, to the front of the office.
“Shoes off.” he said.
“What if someone steals them?”
“I’ll get a person from building service to protect them.” he said.
“Fine.” I slipped out my precious, ruined uggs and we went into his office.

“So, how would you like to write this essay?”
“What do you mean? I asked.
“Well, you have two options. You can handwrite it or you can type it.”
“I’ll type,” I said, pretending to smile. I was already tired enough, I wasn’t going to tire myself out more.
“The computer is in the corner. Have fun!” he said.
I went to the computer, sat down, logged in, cracked my finger and started writing. I didn’t really care if it was grammatically correct. I didn’t want to stay longer than I needed to, plus I needed some time to talk to Angel.
Midway through writing, I ask for a pass to go to the bathroom. Once outside the office, I took out my iPod and texted Arnold to meet me in the hallway next to the courtyard. I waited a few minutes there and finally see him.
“Hey!” I said, lighting up.
“Hey? Why don’t you have your shoes on?” he asked.
“Long story, anyway, I got the postcard back. Can you give it to Angel?” I said. I handed him the postcard. He reads the postcard again.
“Sure!” he said, then ripping up the postcard.
“What the heck, Arnold!” I quietly yelled.
“Why would you want to give her a postcard like that?”
“Because it’s a sign that the both of us just need a break.”
“Seriously?” Arnold question.
“And how exactly does saying you’re not my friend anymore mean I need a break?”
“It’s like girl code or something, I don’t know! I mean, why would she think her best friend doesn’t want to be friends with her?!”
“Because her best friends said so. Look, I may not understand this girl code thing, but if my best friend said they didn’t want to be friends, I would  assume our friendship was over.”
“Ugh, I guess you're right. You always are.”
“Heh, and I guess I’m cute and helpful.” I giggled.
“You sure are,” I said before hugging and heading back to the office.

I tried writing the rest of the story until I turned to the clock and say it was 2:35. I had five minutes left so I started writing like a madman. I ended up completely rushing the ending and didn’t explain what happened after I fell into the can. But that didn’t really matter because I had more important things than an essay that has no effect on my grade. I urgently printed out the essay twice, dropped one copy on Mr. Adam’s desk, tripped and ran to where Green Team was. All in my semi-soggy socks.  Impatiently, I waited for Angel to come. Every minute was agonizing, imagining the worst that can happen. I spotted her down the hall and rushed over to where she was.
“Angel!” I yelled, excitedly.
“Oh, hey.” She condescendingly said.
“I’m sorry Angel. I was-”
“Too much,” she interrupted. I smiled in agreement
“Yeah, I was a bit over dramatic myself.”
A bit of an understatement. I thought.
“Yeah, sorry, can we put this behind us?”
“Definitely, although, I am following you on Instagram.” She said.
We both laughed and walked to the room that held green team. Apparently, I now have to help with green team until May as punishment. That didn’t really bother me because I got to spend some more time with my best friend.

Rania Lords XOXO

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