
The Adventures of Rania Lords: My essay on the postcard incident

Dear Diary,

Ok, this is the essay I had to write to tell about the incident (it's written in times new roman): 

Essay by: Raina Lords

Hi there and if you're wondering why I'm covered in postcard shreds and why my Uggs are blue and soaking wet read on. Anyway, before I get to that I have to explain why the postcards "incident" happened in the first place, but before I get to that I have to explain why postcards. Well, it's national postcard month, so my school went all out to celebrate like every day the modeling club would pose in a “3D” postcards, we have to do work in postcards, pass notes in postcards since all the index cards and paper we had was traded for postcards. So the school passed notes like crazy and I ended up being the first one to be caught for doing so. So why the paper shreds you ask well it all started when I was passing a postcard to my friends.

Are you going to the dance? Yes or No? Circle one. I wrote this on a postcard with a picture of a girl and a guy together at the prom. I walk to get a tissue when I slip it into Arnold’s binder. If you don’t know this I’m in love with Arnold since I really got to know him throughout the years and he saved my life one summer. We were working at a make-a-house-for-the-poor thingy when I accidently wiggle my ladder and fell but I was caught by Arnold. Since then I've been head over heels over him and I was going to make my move. The best thing about asking him out is that he can be dramatic about asking me out and the bad thing is that he can reject me in a dramatic way (but he only did it once but it did make the girl move away). At the end of class I get a postcard with dark room with a title that said Secret Room. The postcard said: Meet me in the quiet room at lunch. XOX Arnold. Today was going to be my day, the day Arnold will ask me out and we'll live happily ever after (probably not). I go to the office and ask if I could go to the library across the street since the one here is under construction. I get the pass and walk into the cool chilled air. When you dress up as me in a moment outfit (Doctor Who reference) you tend to get really warm so feeling that cold air relieves you. Once I get near the door, I hear a familiar shout. It was my BGF (best geek friend) Angelic (or Angel as she likes to be called). 
“Raina, wait up!” she said as she desperately tries to run up to me in a heavy combat boots (her mom forced her to wear it).
“I need to talk to you! It’s Arnold, he just posted on his Facebook status in a relationship meaning he just asked someone to be his GF. I feel so sorry for you.” (I don't have any social media accounts so she always gives me the “social” news)
“You don’t have to worry, he’s probably going to ask me out in a few minutes. He said he wanted to see me in the quiet room. See you later.” I said. 
“Ok, but when you are done, come to the lunchroom.” said Angel as she left.

I walk in and go to the quiet room. 

“Raina Lords will be my date to the 8th grade formal?”he said on one knee with a bouquet of flowers and a sliver 8 ring in the other.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” I shouted.

“Excuse me, ma'am, but I think you were just in a daydream?” said a librarian who looked like your typical geek.

“Oh, sorry.” I said as I open the door.

“Hello, my sineria, you ready to get hot?” said Arnold. He had a plaid shirt on and his tie was untied and put on like a scaf. He also had his first three buttons unbuttoned (don't worry nothing is going to happen).
“Uh... I’m already hot in this sooo yeah.” I said a bit creeped out. Arnold starts go near me and I try to back away.
“You know Raina, there’s been something I've been trying to tell you.”
“Ok?” I questioned.
I back up into the wall. Arnold’s right front to of me smiling like a crazed psychopath.
“Uh...a little space?” she said while I secretly try to get my Warhead spray.
“I’ll give you as much space as you want, but now....” he said softly. He leaned in and I spray him with warhead spray.
“AHHH! What the heck was that for?” Arnold said as he rubbed his eyes.
“I thought you were going to do something weird, so I had to defend myself.” I said back.
“The only thing I was trying to do is that I wanted to kiss you in a way of saying will you take me to the dance.” he replied, still trying to get the spray out of his eyes.
“So you like me?” I asked like a little kid who was trying to be cute when they did something bad.
“Yes! Until I found out you have pepper spray and you wanted to use it on me!” he argued.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Here I’ll make it up for-”
“Hold it right there Missy, you are not going to sing for me because it’s just tacky”(he always did know more about the girl universe than me)
“You know you can give me that pepper spray because it tastes good.”
“It’s Warhead spray not pepper spray.” I said.
“Take good care of it because it really matters to me.” My eyes get watery (trying to regain the moment (Not a DW reference)).
“ I will take care of it.” Arnold said softly (He must of realize what I was doing).
“Good bye. I got to meet Angel.” I said then kissed him and ran off.
“She NEEDS to be in drama club.” Arnold said to himself.

So girl, how did it go with Arnold? Angel wrote.

I warheaded him. I wrote.

Well, did he still ask you out?

YES!!! Just think of it Arnold + Rania!
I wrote.

#OMG #Fairytale

? What does that mean? I wrote.

“I’ll tell you later the bells about to ring” she said.


“Don’t you know what a hashtag is?” Angel said.
“Don’t you remember that I don’t have a instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.” I replied.
“If you're a kid of today, you would have know that a hashtag is a method to organize subjects. Without them what will this generation be known for?” she said.
“The iPhone.” I said.
“Well, yeah but still, hashtags are important too. No generation has had anything like this it’s-”
“Sit in your seats and be quiet everyone! This isn't a zoo. Now let's begin...” said the teacher.

Our generation is just a more advance than the 90’s but only a bit. I wrote. (I could have been a 90’s kid)

Still, WE INVENTED THE GOOGLE GLASSES! You’re just acting like a troll and if you don’t know that it’s a hater. Angel wrote.

We're talking about hashtags not the evolution of technology. And if you don’t know what evolution, it’s the change a time from one point to the other. I wrote.

HATER!! She wrote.

So I hate hashtags sue me, but that doesn't make me a hater. I wrote.

Troool! Only a troll would hate hashtags! She scribbled.

All, I just think is that hashtags are used to much on Instagram! I wrote.

“You never told me you had a twitter!” Angel shouts before she realizes we’re still in class.
“I’m getting lunch detention aren't I.”
“No, this is exactly what this class is about! Debating! Now what are you guys arguing about?” said the teacher (She's awesome).
“Hashtags” I said.
“Not surprising, it’s either you hate it or you like them. Moving on...”

I can’t believe you called me a troll! Do you really think that I'm a troll? I wrote.

She didn't reply until a few minutes before the bell rang.

It said: YES TROLL.


I give my postcard to Arnold and told him to give it to Angel and he said: “Yeah, like I’m really going to give this to her.” Then he threw it into the postcard reuse bin just before the green team took it. The postcard reuse bin is so we can use the same postcards next year, but the problem is Angel is in green team and she’s going to pick them up. Throughout all my life I’ve known Angel she hates it when you say something to someone and they don’t tell you until a while so if she finds that postcard it could be the end of us talking to each other. FOREVER! I know what you’re thinking and yes, I did say I didn’t want to be friends but that’s code for I need a break for us, but if I do something semi-drastic that’s code for I don’t want to be your friend anymore.

“How am I going to get that postcard back! HUH! HUH!” I said to Arnold as we were walking to homeroom.
“During your free period you can try to find where all the bins are and find the one with the postcard.” he said.
“Good thing you’re good looking and a geek.” I said as I ran to my free period teacher and told her the I had a guidance appointment. I head towards the office when I try to find the bins. I find my bin and try to run when I see a green team member so I hid under the chairs. Once I see them grab the bin I need I ran towards them, took the bin, and speed though the hallway. I started being chased by the hall monitors. I get need the outside doors when a bunch of kids dropped their slushies and I ended up slipping and my oggs absorbed the blue dye in them. I get back on my feet and go the opposite direction to the elevator. I go all the way to the roof to find the postcard. The sky was cloudy and was about to burst. I started to look for my postcard when the roof fan started blowing all the cards in my face. Then the clouds start to pound on my head and the postcard I was looking for flies off the roof. Like any insane person I go running after it and grab it in midair, but like any Looney Tunes episode I fall off the roof. Luckily, I fall into a bin full of recycling, but it wasn't soft.

Ok, that's the entire essay I had to write for the rest of the day (6th and 7th period). I really hated it so I just had to add a bit of me in it to keep my sanity. My punishment is I have to clean up and help out at the dance. I tell you what will happen tomorrow.
Rania XOXO

Ok, this was the first of many stories about Rania. I can't wait till the next one and I'll post it on Sunday. Like I said in my on previous blog I'm gonna give you my Hey Arnold Joke of The Day so here it is:

Football-head Joke of the Day:

Photo: #HeyArnoldSaveTJM This one is made by my friend Koryis Meadow Credit goes to her. ^_^



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