
The Adventures of Rania Lords: Jake...

Previously on The Adventures of Rania Lords...
I open the door and see none other than Arnold, the malicious  heart-breaker. He most likely planned the whole thing since he has that kind of mind capabilities (it was summer camp and I don't want to talk about it). It isn't going to be easy to say go away in a in a kind way. Whoever said I had to.
"Oh, it's YOU! I thought I told yo-" I said, but he kisses me. It was for a few minutes.
I forgive you but it’s going to take a while for things to feel normal again. I’m just too heartbroken. 
My fear came true but it wasn't horrible. I'm actually optimistic about this cliche.

Dear Diary,
Jake isn't here, which is the usually now, sadly. The last two weeks since my last entry (if you're wondering, its December eleventh right now), Jake hasn't been able to hang out with me because he has G.E.E.K club (geek doesn't stand for anything for some reason) stuff to run (he's recently became president). I really miss him and I feel we may be becoming... Distant... Maybe tomorrow will be different... Maybe we'll finally hang out. Tomorrow is Friday and normally there aren't any after school clubs during Fridays. Anyway, I've been able to hang out with Arnold more since he's always available (when Jake isn't). We're really reconnecting and I can't wait till to go to the Plain Arrows concert with him. After he introduced me to the band and their 7 Lucky Years & 7 Unlucky Years album, I love them sooo much and I can't wait to go to the concert next Friday night. See you later and I'll tell you all the details on the concert next week.

Rania Lords
Dear Diary,
Well, he didn't come... Again. I'm disappointed but not THAT surprised this would happen. As I've said before, he's been too caught up with his G.E.E.K stuff and both Arnold and Angel agree (just yesterday we were talking about how we weren't going to let work/hobbies get in the way of friendship and I ,jokingly, bring up Jake. They both said simultaneously, "He's way too caught up). Speaking of Angel, she's coming over so we can talk and hang out once again. Before my *December Revolution, I had barely hanged out with Angel because I was ether caught up with writing, avoiding Arnold (it takes a lot more work than you think), and having dates with Jake but now, all I do is just hang out. Speaking of changes, April's having a sleepover tomorrow. I'm really excited because we're watching new episodes of Doctor Who (I've converted April into a Whovian recently) and I haven't been watching Doctor Who in a while.
Hold on, I just got a text from someone (it's probably Jake). I'll update you in a few.


It was Jake and he's not going to hanging out anytime soon. As I said earlier, I'm disappointed (and a bit teary) but not surprise. He's been doing this for a bit but by the fifth time I stopped becoming surprised. Though, this is the first time I've actually shed a tear because of this. I mean... Like... Just look at what he said.

I just can't even... I just... I just can't comprehend this with it flustering my emotions into a dash of anger and frustration, a pile of sadness, and a bowl of disappointment/heartbreak. But not a speck of surprise or speculation because I knew he would do this. He cares but has to take the most important thing first and the next thing between second and first. I guess I'm that in between... I'll update you later, Angel just called meaning I'm going to have to meet her somewhere to hang out. See ya.
Rania. W. Lords
Dear Diary,
It's Sunday morning and I'm super tired because of the sleepover but it was totally worth staying up. Right now I'm in my bed, nearly falling asleep and writing, and still waiting for Arnold to text me. So in the meantime, I'll tell you all the details on the sleepover.
It was six o'clock when April came over to my house to pick me up. I had gotten all my sleepover supplies (four bags of Cheetos, one family sized bag of Doritos, five Capri Sun pouches, a sleeping bag with pillows, a flashlight, my iPod, and panda pajamas with an Eleventh Doctor plushie) and hurried into her car. In the car was April and Angel, smiling in a weird way.
"Are you guys ok?" I asked.
"Yeahhh." They both said, eyeing each other.
"Ok, what's wrong?"
"We sort of...-" Angel said, April continues.
"Invited Arnold to come."
"Oh... Uhhh, it's ok." I responded, blushing a bit.
Great. I thought. It might of been awkward if a guy came to an all girl sleepover.
"Sooo, what details do you have with your BF?" April said.
"Uhhhh... He's working on G.E.E.K projects soooo I don't have much."
"Oh..." April said, sinking into her seat.
We stand in awkward silence until we get to Arnold's front door.
"Hey guys." He said.
"Hey..." We all said back, nervously.
"You guys ok?" he asked.
"Yeahhhh..." Angel and April said, I shake my head awkward. More silence.
"Did all of your emotions get deleted by a Cybermen?" He acted goofy like, we giggled.
"If you did, please don't put me in a parallel universe, that would be my absolute HEARTBREAKING."

"WTF!" April said (she recently watched that episode and was heartbroken for two days), the rest of us laugh. Arnold's Doctor Who jokes were just enough to make us forget the awkwardness.

Once we got there, April led us to her room and said we could watch some Steven Universe.
"My Mom and Dad are catching up with a T.G.I.T (Thank God It's Thursday) television series so we can't watch Doctor Who on the big TV." She added.
"Which one?" Angel asked, I thought the same thing too.
"You don't want to know." April replied, then shivers.
I don't want to know anymore. I thought.
I was glad we actually watched Steven Universe because I was really behind; The current episode I was on was Coach Steven and I needed to watch the eighteen remaining episodes I had left. Around eight o'clock April's living room was available so we decided to get all our snacks and official start the sleepover (I think that's how it works in sleepovers), and we start from this beginning of series eight. April and Angel had been really enthralled in the episodes, but I couldn't because I was being "bothered" by Arnold. He kept distracting me, but I sort of didn't mind and kinda of liked it. He said a bunch of jokes and it was adorable in a weird way. We did get shh's a few times and we did until the Doctor said a joke.

Rania's Pajama T-shirt
Around midnight, we had to go to sleep so we went up to April's room and secretly put on the TV., but first, we had to change and brush our teeth. I spent a long time in there because I was really embarrassed by my PJ's. They had a panda in sunglasses, three facing and said "Gonna PAN that DA, BOOOOYYY!"
Rania's Pajama Pants
I would never buy something like this, but my uncle bought it for me and I didn't want to make him sad. With the weird panda T-shirt, I also have weird panda pants that had different colored pandas and a striped rainbow pattern on the back.
I was going to put a really big coat on but I left it in my bag. I slowly open the door and look in front me. Nothing. I mistakenly turn around and see Arnold. Uh-oh!
I should of went last. I thought.
"Uh, what are wearing?" He said, hiding his smiling mouth.
"Sign... It's my... PJ's..." I reply, he chuckles.
"You BETTER not post this on Instagram!" I said.
"Okay, but FYI, you look adorable in it." He said, then bringing me over to April's room. Before he opens the door, he sends a text to someone and once he gets a text back we go inside. Oddly, no one made a comment on my PJ's (which I think Arnold texted everyone not to comment). Around one A.M, April and Angel were asleep, but Arnold and I were still awake.
"Hey!" He whispered, I was going to say hey back, but the TV beat me to it with the Hey Arnold! intro.
"What they just say." I whispered, he chuckled.
"So, you wanna have a contest?" He suggested.
"Depends, what's the prize?"
"The loser has to post a picture of them on Instagram with a big stuffed panda and wear a panda hat and your pajamas."
"HEY!" I quietly yelled.
"You got to admit, those are some embarrassing pajamas."
"I know, but what do I have to do to get YOU in this?"
"Stay up longer than me."
"That should be easy."
"You wish." He teased.
"Oh really? Then why don't we just watch... PUBLIC TELEVISION." I said, reaching for the remote.
"Hey, no cheating."
We both try different methods to stay awake to the point that we started a staring contest but not blinking made things harder. There was only one useful method to win that wasn't drenching my head in a bucket of cold water every few minutes; I was going to have to have a conversation. Which wouldn't be that bad yet it would give Arnold an advantage, but before I could start my risky method, Arnold starts beats me to it.
"Rania?" Arnold said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Do you think I might win the next basketball game?"
"You could."
"But lately I've been a bit off with everything."
"I can't act like my character and I'm always throwing airballs."
"Oh, well, try throwing a paper ball inside a trash bin." I said, taking some scrap paper and giving it Arnold.
"Oh-kay, but I'm telling you, I can only shoot airballs." He tries shooting the ball but he misses.
"Come on, I know you can do better,"
I get more scrap paper and go over to where Arnold is.
"It's easy, all you have to do is focus and shoot." I said, throwing a paper ball in the trash bin. BUCKETS!
"I'll try." He said and makes another ball and closes his eyes.
"Just focus on the target directly and throw with what you think the right amount of force is needed." I advised and it worked.
"Now, about your acting, what's the problem?"
"I can't really get act like the character, Tevye, and if I can, it gets more and more dull to the point that I seem emotionless and robotic."
"Try thinking you're him the entire time and try reacting the way he reacts. Let's try doing a scene."
He handed my a script a and we reacted a really weird scene from the play.
"Wait, that's all?" He asked
"Yep!" I said, smiling.
"Thanks, you're a great friend!" He said, hugging me.
It felt awkward at first, but after a few seconds, I hug back. We were arm and arm and neither of us let go. After a bit, I do let go and see him smiling and asleep. Like a kind friend, I tuck him in and I kissed... him, on the head. Actually, thinking about, that was really weird. I don't like Arnold but I'm not sure. I mean like I can't like him because I have a boyfriend and I love him but. There are no but's, I love Jake and that IS all. Yesterday was just a weird day and that's all. No crushing and no flirting, but what if Arnold DOES like me. He did sort of flirt with me yesterday but if he really loves likes me he's too late I think. I'm WAY too confused, I'm going back to sleep. See ya.
Rania Lords

P.S, Right now it's noon and I just got a text from both Arnold and Jake. Jake wants to meet me at two o'clock at Mel's. Arnold wants to to take the picture at his house at four. I actually hope my meet up with Jake doesn't last long, but I want it to last a bit longer than an hour. It has been a while since we've hanged. For Arnold, I'm want to go but, I also don't want to so I won't create any further feeling towards him. UGH I'M TOO CONFLICTED!!! I'll update you later, bye.
Dear Diary,
Right now Jake isn't here, my slushies' melting, sign, I should of known he wouldn't come. I might as well go to Arnold's place, it's sort of near here. Wait I think I see Jake, I'm gonna come up to him, brb.
Wow, he left to go to GEEK. I just can't believe he would really do something like this. I really thought we were gonna be able to hang out for once but no, he just left. Sorry for the vent, you're probably confused, let me explain. So, after I wrote down my entry, I put my diary back into my bag and headed towards the door.
"What the heck! You're eighteen minutes late!!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry I had extra-"
"GEEK work." I interrupted.
"Yeah..." He said, under his breath.
"I really thought you'd put your work aside." I said, stroking my eyes my eyes in stress and disappointment.
"Rania, that's why I brought you here. I wanted to tell you that I've been talking and I'm able to clear up some things in my schedule."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, though, it's only an hour every Friday but next Friday I'll have three hours to hangout."
"Great! What time?"
"Well, it's from six pm to nine pm." I frowned.
"Sorry but I can only... hang out... for one hour, I'm going to a Plain Arrows concert."
"Oh... What about Thursday at four at Mel's?" He asked.
"I can do Thursday."
"Great! Now, wanna have a picnic?"
"It's 20 degrees outside."
And so we went to Bauer Park and start picnicking. It was great for a bit and it felt like, I guess you can call, old times. That was until the call, Jake's phone had started ringing but he ignored it until the third time they call.
I didn't know what to say and I still don't know. Does he really love me? Should I really break up with him?! UGH WAY TOO MANY QUESTIONS!!!! I'm gonna just take a break from writing till some time in the morning.
Rania Lords
Dear Diary,
It's two in the morning and I'm stressing out and it's all because of the whole bet thing. As you know, Arnold and I had a bet that whoever couldn't stay up the longest would have to wear panda pj's. So we did end up taking the photo and posting it on Instagram. I captioned it:

And for the rest of the time till six o'clock, I had spent time at his house doing random stuff and posting it on insta (Instagram). I ended up posting six photos all with the word, bae.
Around seven thirty, I get a text from Jake saying he was on a twenty minute break. One thing you don't know about me is that if I'm tired (which I was at the time), I'm most likely not going to respond to text way way later. So, at eight thirty, I end up checking my iPod (I forgot to tell you April got me a new red iPod) and saw I got multiple texts from him.

I couldn't believe that I stood him up this time so I immediately text him back and worriedly wait for him to respond. To ease the time, I watch a few videos and have a few pudding cups but I was still panicking and worrying (which meant I was really in distraught because pudding always calms me down). Around ten (after my eighth pudding cup), I finally get a text back from him.
It was a weird thing to ask but I did reply.

I did take a bit of some time and discovered a small feeling in the bottom of my heart that I might like him. Though, I wasn't sure if it was just a short term crush or if it had always existed. I wasn't sure so I texted him the most logical thing to say.

WHY did I have to upset him?!! I thought. 
After that and to now, I've been think about the feelings I might have for Arnold. I can't love like him, I like love Jake but does he love me? WHY DO MY DAYS HAVE TO BE SOO STRESSFUL AND DRAMATIC?!! See you later.
Rania Lords


Dear Diary,
It's Friday and things are normal for the most part this week. I'm acting more awkward towards Arnold now since there's a huge possibility that he might want to date me and I may want to date him back •_• But other than that this week has been pretty normal and average. Anyway, I'm on the bus going home after a "nice discussion" with Angel while having my favorite smoothie flavor, (I'm taking a break from slushies because I already enough of a headache) Lemon-lime Slice.
During our discussion we talked a bit about today's plans (concert) until I got a text from Jake saying that he's gonna be able to come over today at six thirty. I tell Angel about it and the subject of our conversation completely changes.
"Ugh." Angel mounded.
"What?" I said, confused. It isn't like Angel to complain... Well for this week it isn't a like her.
"One word, Jake."
"What about him?" I said in a very what-you-talking-about tone.
"He's such a horrible boyfriend, like when was the last time he's talked to you?,"
I want to protest but she just continued.
"Let me guess, last week? And what about the week before that and the week before THAT! Face it Rania, he's a horrible boyfriend. And I know what you're gonna say but no, just because he was able make one hour a week in his schedule means nothing. You gotta think Rania, who does he care and spends more time with? His job or You?"
"I DON'T KNOW, OK!" I yelled, hitting my fist on the table out of Anger. The whole place went quite.
"Let's talk in private at the tennis courts." she whispered.
We probably should. I nodded.
By the time we got to the courts I was already sick of the conversation and half way through to getting there, I stopped responding. I was way too annoyed but it got to a point where I had to respond..

"CAN YOU SHUT UP! It’s not like it matters anyway."
"What?" she responded.
"It doesn't matter because I know the relationship is going to end sooner or later."
"Then what? Are you going to go back to Arnold?"
"I don't know! Maybe... Probably..." I said.
"NO, NO, NO! You can’t go back to him"
"Why?!" I asked.
"You can’t just switch from Arnold to Jake to Arnold again! Your love life shouldn’t be treated like a light switch."
"Well, does it really matter? I'm probably not going back to Jake."
"It does, Rania. It shows you that all Arnold is for you is a backup. The guy you keep when you're bored until someone better comes. Isn't that what you’re doing?"
"No, not at all. It's just-"
"Rania, no matter what way you put it, you're using him as a backup. If you're going to do continuously go back and forth, you’ll never love anyone for who they are.”
“But I love Arnold for he is and I did Jake for Jake too.”
“You may but try putting yourself in Arnold’s shoes.”
“If I was him ,I’ll probably be happy that I got asked out.”
“Was that how you felt when Arnold pushed you aside as a backup for April back in November?”
“Well… I was…” I hesitated.
“You were what, Rania?”
“I was angry, bitter… heart-brokened…”
“Exactly! You can’t go to Arnold, at least for now. Try thinking things over and see if you really actually like him.” Angel suggested.
“But I do love him.”
“Do you truly love him or do you just feel like you need another boyfriend?”
“I… don’t. Know. I know deep inside me, I have some feelings for him and it could be love or it could be something else.”
“Then think about it, Raina. Give it a lot of thought and take a long while. In the end, if you really do love him, you'll know the best thing to do is.”
“Ok, I’ll think it over.”
That’s what I’ve been doing for the past hour. I’ve elaborating and writing down some of my thoughts on here. I still haven’t come to a conclusion yet, but I probably will soon. The concert’s in a bit anyway, so I may be after it, I might come to a conclusion. Maybe.
Raina Lords


Dear Diary,
I feel like how I felt after the kissing incident last November. I’m just tired of all the relationship issues, crushes and just love in general. I can’t believe I lost the both of them. Even tho it's like midnight, I can still remember crystal clear what happened tonight.
It was around 4:30 when I got a voicemail from Jake.
“I can't make it right now so just wait a bit till I got there. And don't worry, it's GEEK related and matters. My coworker, Mandy, has gotten into some medical  problems. I'm helping her with it and I'm almost done. See ya!”
At the time, I was about to get furious, but he was helping out a friend so I had mostly forgave him. I think it was around five when I got a call from Arnold.
“Hey.” I greeted.
“Hey Rania, are you ready for the concert?”
“Oh, I haven’t gotten dressed yet.”
“I didn't mean ready ready, I mean emotionally prepared ready.”
“I guess so, I am sort of excited.”
“Why sort of?”
“Jake isn’t going and this was the only way I could hangout with him.”
“Oh, well at least you have Angel and Benny… and me…”
“Umm, I have to go, bye.” I said, immediately hang up on him and I sighed. As if my emotions could get any more complicated. Now I definitely knew I was going to be confused if Arnold acts romantic. As I laid there, face platted on my bed, I horrifically imagined what would happen if he asked me out. He’d probably go all out and I would reject him and just utterly embarrass him. I could never embarrass him.  

After a few minutes of thinking, I thought that with Jake probably not coming to the concert; I should probably break up with him. I got myself back up and started getting ready for the concert. I tried to block out any thoughts about Arnold and Jake and instead, concentrated on the concert. By the time I was ready, I was super pumped for the concert and only had the concert on my mind. Around six thirty, Angel and Benny picked me up and for the entire ride I listened to Plain Arrow’s Unlucky & Lucky album. Finally, I was at peace.

It was seven o’clock when we got to the Verizon Center and one long wait later, we had finally got inside the place. I was completely blown away by how huge the entire venue was and how great the seats were.
“How did you get these seats?” I asked
“It was easy to get them. All you needed is just a pinch of luck and fast hands.” Angel said.
Everything seemed perfect until Arnold came. There was no way I could avoid sitting next to him since Angel and Benny were obviously going to sit together, and they were sitting on the edge of the row. He sat down, looked at me and smiled. I turned away.
“So Rania, how are things?” he asked.
“It’s ok. Jake isn’t here though. I think I might just break up with him after the concert IF he comes.”
“Are you going to break up with him by text?”
“I don’t know, maybe, but thinking about it. Although, that would be the worst way to breakup with someone.”
“Well, I’ll be your shoulder to cry on when it happens.’ he said, putting his arm on my shoulder. I quickly pushed his arm away.
“Ummm… yeah… I guess so.”
“Are you ok Rania?”
“Yeah, I’m just uhhh… still thinking about the whole Jake thing.”
“You’ll stop thinking about him once the concerts starts.”

The first half of the concert was just outstanding,! I was soo thrilled when they started off with Glorious and The Empress’ New Throne. The entire time I didn’t think about the whole Jake breakup and Arnold wanting a relationship. It was the first time in awhile where I actually felt way more cheerful than usual. It felt like the old times before the whole postcard incident when all of us were friends instead of couples. I thought at that moment, maybe things could go back to normal if Arnold falls out of love with me..
Later on, intermission came and the group decided that I should get everyone drinks and snacks.. While going up towards concession stand, I checked my iPod to see how long I had to get drinks and snacks. When I looked up I saw Jake and some girl right in front of me. She had her arm wrapped around Jake’s arm and the both of them were smiling at each other.
“JAKE!” I yelled, dropping my arms and things. They turned around, shocked.
“Rania…” the girl said, surprised.
“Rania, I can explain.” Jake said.
“I don’t think you.” the girl said.
“What?” Jake said.
“It’s GEEK related.”she said.
“Who ARE you?”
“I’m Mandy.”
“I thought you were having health problems?”
“I was but I got out of it.” Mandy said.
“Then why are you here?” I asked.
“It’s a GEEK thing, Jake and I can’t explain it yet.”
“Oh really now? How is going on a date related to a school club.”
“It’s complicated.” Jake said.
“I’m done, Jake; we’re over.”
“Wait, are you breaking up with me?”
“Yes, Jake, I am! I’m done with you not having time to actually to date me and be a boyfriend. It’s obvious what you’ve been doing during that time.”
“Rania, it isn’t what you think plus GEEK is important.”
“So, I’m not important.”
“You are but this is more important.”
“HOW! How is some stupid after-school club more important than your relationship.
“Because it’s… I’t’s just… important.”
“Whatever Jake, bye.”
“BYE!” I said, running back to my seat.

“Raina, are you ok?” Arnold asked.
“No, I can’t believe him.” I said, crouched into a ball, nearly crying.
“Rania…” Angel said. I didn’t respond. Ten minutes later, Arnold came and gave me a slushie. I took it and tried to calm down.
“Rania, what happened?” Benny asked. I didn’t answer but my iPod rang. Angel took my iPod to see who it was and instantly knew what happened.

After she read the text, she, Arnold and Benny hugged me and tried to comfort me. Everyone stopped when intermission ended but Angel tried to make make me happy by saying,
“Rania, don’t let what Jake did to you make you feel down in the dumps! Just forget everything and try to enjoy the music. It’ll make you feel a lot more better. Ok?” I nodded my head yes and felt a bit better.

It took a few songs but I felt like how I felt at the beginning of the concert. The rest of the night felt like the beginning of the night but I felt restricted. It felt like whenever I tried to to get really happy, the breakup arose in my thoughts and it to repress any happiness that came. After the concert, I was a bit more happier than before and in the car everyone tried to comfort me which made me a lot more happier too. Arnold, who was sitting right next to me in the middle seat, hugged me the entire car ride. I pretended it was platonic so I wouldn’t panic. Near the top of the hill, the car came to a screeching halt because someone was in front of it.

It miserably had to be Jake.

I look out the windshield to see who it was. When I figure out who it was, I rushed out of the car and Arnold followed. Jake ran up to me but my stare stopped him right in his tracks immediately. For a few seconds we stare at each other and then Jake spoke.
“Rania, let me explain-”
“No. You’ve had your chance the entire time we were dating to explain but you never did.” I interrupted.
“I didn’t really think it would matter to you if you knew plus I couldn’t say anything about this. It’s top secret.” he said.
“If it’s top secret, then why are you telling me now?”
“Because I’m willing to risk of giving the infor get out there… for you.” I nearly got sympathique but it didn’t last.
“Even if I knew. That isn’t why I broke up with you.” I said
“WHy then?”
“You never had time to be my boyfriend. There was so much time we could have spent together but, we can’t get that back.”
“Rania.. I have all the time in the world,-”
“No. You. Don’t.” I said, heading towards the car.
“But Rania!-”
“Common Jake, she’s made up her mind. She doesn't want to be with you anymore. You should have gave her more time when you had the chance to.” Jake accepted what he did and left.
Arnold hugged me to make me feel better. I looked at him and he looked mesmerising in the moonlight. He just like how he looked when he catched when I fell over the summer. He leaned in, and gently laid his soft lips on mine. For about a few seconds we were kissing just like we did after the slushie incident. Just like then, for a moment I ignored everything that happened before. Once I realized everything that was happening, I got out of the kiss and the hug. I looked straight into his eyes and said,
“I’m sorry Arnold but... I can’t date you.”


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Last Story: The Diary Thief, April’s Side (Coming Soon)
Up Next: Behind The Blogs: Jake...(Feb. 5th), TAORL: Arnold!! (Coming Soon)
Special Thanks to Stevenpetmonkey to letting the public use his Panda art. If you want to see the original art, click here and if you want to see his Open Clip Art page, click here.


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