
Blog-iary: New Friends Are Weird

"It's so funny looking back on these blogs. I lied right in his face and neither of us knew. I was soo different too, different than I am now. Soo weird. Really weird, now to the next chapter...; It really is weird revisiting this blog. Everything changed a year ago. A lot has changed, but it'll change someday to a better day. Anyway, let's continue... New friends are weird..."
"But we still have questions to ask." Benny asked.
"Oh... ask away!" I said.
Uhg! How embarrassing! I thought.
"Nowadays, you seem calm and nice but, back then you were energetic and crazy. What changed?" Ralfi asked.
"After losing Dan it was hard to be happy. I kept remembering that it was my fault, so it took a while to get over it. Still, deep down inside  I'm not ok. It's probably the reason why I'm not  back to the old Danny I use to be." I replied.
"Wow... maybe someday you might get over him. What would make you get over him?"
"Well...  if he came back, called,... or... talked to me one last time in person."
"Speaking of calling back, has he ever tried to talk to you?"
"Sort of... on his birthday, he had  called and said he'll come back. "
"Has he ever called back?"
"No... but maybe some day... can we continue on with the story?"
" August 27, 2014...New friends are weird..."
August 27, 2014
New Friends Are Weird

Ello governors, it's the morning and I've got two hours before Danny comes over so this might seem rushed.

Danny and I got out of the building and waited for the bus door to open. Even though it's raining... well played luck... well played. For the next few minutes we awkwardly wait. I bet tons of things were going through our minds like:
How are we going to become popular?
How am I going to deal with this idgit?
How am I going to get us to this weirdo?
How am I seriously going to deal with this idgit?
What if my geeky side comes out?
But what we both were thinking was:
How long is this going to last?

The bus driver opened the door and everyone went into the bus (by everyone I mean seven people). We went to the back and talked.
"So... when are you coming over?" I asked.
Please say never! I thought.
"Saturday at eleven AM. You'll come to my house every weekday except Friday. We'll decide where to go that day."
"Is it ok if we go to your house instead?" he said.
"No, my room is really messy,"
By messy I mean full of fandom merche (especially my bed).
"Why you ask?"
"Just asking." he said, staring at me.
"Wait a minute, are you deducting me?!"
"Yepperdy dingo do."
"Don't say that. Why are you deducting?"
"Well, I don't like secrets. Last year, my "friends" were hiding a secret on me and it caused me to transfer here. I want to make sure I don't secrets ruin our friendship."
"Oh, ok... same thing happened to me..."

For the rest of the ride we sat in awkward silence. Once we get to our stop, I start deducting Danny, but it was impossible. He's soo sweet, but he says he has a dark past. I guess I'm no Sherlock.

When we go to his house he told me his rules.

"Oh, and don't forget to take off your shoes. My bro doesn't like dirt."
Once we get to his room we start brainstorming, but it was hard to focus. His room was distracting.It had tons of room cliches.

Here's every cliches for all you cliche lovers:

Trophy Corner:
When all of the main character's trophies are in one place in sight.

Land of Games:
When a gamer character has a bunch of games everywhere for different consoles. 
Fandom Wear:
Fandome bands, T-shirts, stickers, bags, and badges. Poster on each wall and a mug.
[3] Cliches rolled up into one place! Keep up with them cliches!

It took a bit to get an idea, but once I got it Danny rejected it.

"You didn't even hear it!" I said.
"It isn't going to work."
"I didn't even say it! Unless you can read minds-"
"I can sometimes."
"... uhhhhhh..." I said.
"Anyway, your idea is that we should befriend the populars and they'll love us. Am I right."
Well duck! He can!!                   
" I know because that would be because it took a while for you to come up with something. You were distracted so your plan wouldn't be amazing. You would go with the most common plan. Anyway-"
"OK, NEW RULE! Rule Five is NO deducting!! It's really creepy."
"Fine, I'll keep it to myself. Anyway, the plan wouldn't work because:
1. The populars won't like us! They won't take two losers and make them popular without something.
2. How will any of them like us? We aren't loveable or adorable. How will they make us popular with no lovable traits?"
"Oh... well, do you have any ideas?"
1. We'll show them that we're weird or at least me.
2. Get more friends that are like us. Losers that aren't bland.
3. Become friends with a group of nerds. Maybe the S.T.E.M guys, but don't worry, we'll ditch them.
4. Become friends with a group of geeks. We'll be with peps somewhat like us and we'll blend in easily.
5. Become friends with ONE popular that could become a geek. These kind of populars are the nicest and friendliest people, which makes them vulnerable. We can use them, but we can never ditch them. That's just cold.
6. Get into the inner-circle of the populars.
7. We'll separate into our kind of popular group.

Should only take a year. What do you think?"
Well... duck!
"... I'm just... Speechless... that's brilliant!"
"Why thank you! But still, there are a few things we might happen in the plan that won't be planned see what I did there?"
"Please don't." I said, facepalming myself.
"HUMF! Anyway, we might get new friends that won't go, maybe one of the geeks, nerds, or populars might not be able to get over the break up, maybe someone might fall in love with one of us and maybe... let's hope not... we might ditch each other on the way."
"Well, it's time for questions!" I said.
"Ummm... why now?" Benny asked.
"I'm not saying that next sentence." I said, crossing my arms and lying back.
"But-" Rafi said.
"I'm not! I'M NOT! I. AM. NOT! Now questions!"
"What's ur opinion on the Irony... about ur... plan?"  Benny asked. I bang my head on the desk.
"Duck! DUCK! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Fine I'll continue but no irony sentence. I can't bare it enough as it is."
"Don't you mean paragraph?"

There could be soon risk, but it'll be worth  change the way some populars act. I'm up to any risk to make Wood a real Wonderful World of Wood.
"Ok. The risk will be worth it." I said, shaking his hand.
"Great, now how are we going to complete phase one?"
"I don't know... maybe we could do something during lunch?"
"Luuunch... lunch...," he said, pacing back and forth but, then he stopped when he spotted a ukulele.
"THAT'S IT! We could sing AND I'll be playing my ukulele!"

"I'm not singing or being associated with that cliche."
"And how would that be a cliche?" he asked.
"The ukulele!"
"And where did this happen?"
"Duh! Lemonade Mouth... ummmmmm... Lemon.. ade mouth..."
"It's a string instrument of some kind."
"Ok, but, I'm still not singing! I sing horribly"
"I'll sing, then, but one day we will have to sing."
"Well, I'll be waiting."
"Hey, no sarcasm. Anyway, I'll have to write or find a song and we can discuss the lyrics tomorrow or Saturday."
"Ok, but what time?"
"You'll know. Bye!"
"Uhhh, bye?" I said, walking out of his room and to the front door, but I heard a voice.
"He isn't what he seems." it said.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Danny's older brother, Aaron and he isn't what you think he is."
Remember rule number one! REMEMBER rule number one!
"Oh... I better go."
"Just remember that he isn't what he seems."
"How would that be?" I said.
Good thing Danny isn't listening.
"He's the same person he was when he had his 'incident'.""
"You'll find out soon, but now you have to go."
"Oh... bye."
That night I had finished my homework and I was just about to read a book when I got a text from an unknown. At first I thought it was a stranger, but then it said...


Today is the day when it all begins/began.

I was waiting for the bus to come when I saw Danny running down the hill.
Is that Danny? I thought.
"Dan, it's me! I've got the lyrics of The Best Day of My Life.
Uh-oh. Let's just act natural.
"Tell the bus driver to wait for me!!" he said, then taking a skateboard and riding it down the hill. From my experience... he's a goner.
"GOVERNOR!!!" he said, stopping at the last house.
"WHAT THE HECK?! You didn't even look!"
"Uh, who are you?" I said. Hope he doesn't go ballistic on me.
"Huh, ohhhh... I thought you looked like my friend, Dan. Dan's a lot uglier than you and his hair is a realllly messy. Between you and me... he's extremely anit-social but cares about the populars. ♪♫Possers♪♪"
I'm gonna to kill him. I thought then the bus came and we got on.

"Ello governor! How's the baby?" Danny said to the bus driver.
Why is he talking to the bus driver?
"Fine, but he's starting preschool."
"You shouldn't be worried, he's growing up."
"I know..." she said.
Danny walks into the last seat that I can have a chance of surviving social wise.
Great, now I have to sit next to this weirdo.

Once we get to the school, I head to the far corner of the basketball court while Danny goes to the office. I was alone like always. I wonder what it'll be like to have tons of friends like the populars. Only time will tell.

The first five periods were normal. The only weird thing was Danny kept putting notes on my locker each period.
Today was the last day we could sit in unassigned seats. I sat in the Thursday section with a few geeks and nerds. They seemed really friendly, maybe we could become friends when step four happens. Anyway, for the first half of lunch Danny and I talked for a bit, but when it hit 12:42 Danny grabbed his ukulele and sent a text message to someone.  
"Danny, what are you doing?" I asked.  
"Step one." he said then the instrumental to Best Day of My Life played on the intercom. 

I'm going to write the performance that's about to happen in script form because I don't know how to write this in story form (or is it blog form, whateves). 

[Plays ukulele]
Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds

People at my table:
Whoa-Oh-Oh... Oh-Oh... Oh-Oh

I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night

Thursday Section:

[Walking up to the stage]
I'm never gonna look back, Whoa-Oh
Never gonna give it up, No-Oh
Please don't wake me now
[Counts 2 3 with hands]

Danny & Lunchroom:
Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

This is gonna be the best day of my life

Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

Danny & five pops:
My li-i-i-i-i-i-ife
[Bobs head]

Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

This is gonna be the best day of my life

Danny & five other pops:
My li-i-i-i-i-i-ife
[Bobs head]

Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

[Guitar Solo]


Ooh, Ooh-Ooh, Ooh

I howled at the moon with friends
And then the sun came crashing in

Two girls:


[Walks towards Tuesday section]
But all the possibilities
No limits just epiphanies


[Walking up to the stage]
I'm never gonna look back, Whoa-Oh
Never gonna give it up, No-Oh
Please don't wake me now
[Counts 2 3 with hands] 

[Guitar Solo]

[Get's on top of Tuesday table]
I hear it calling
Outside my window
I feel it in my soul (Soul)

The stars were burning so bright
The sun was out 'till midnight
I say we lose control (Control)

[Ukulele solo]
[Throws mic to me]

Whoa-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh [X2]

This is gonna be the best day of my life


This is gonna be the best day of my life



[Guitar Solo]

This is gonna be, this is gonna be
This is gonna be, the best 
year of my life
Whoa-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh [X2]

Everything is looking up, everybody up now
[gesutred everyone to get up]

[gets up]
This is gonna be the best year of my life



I really hope this will be the best year of my life!

OMG!!! How did it take me sooooo long to write this! Anyway it's night time and I'm super tired. I'm taking a break from this for a weekend. New Doctor Who series and Doctor! My opinion... it and he's ok soo far (the last episode bumped it up for me). 12 is like that kid that doesn't learn anything but is a smart aleck and that's just hilarious! I'm really locking forward to this season. Now here's the timelord joke of the day. 

I bet 20!


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