
The Adventures of Rania Lords: The Day of The Dance

Dear Diary,
Well, today was... how can I say this without seeming spoiled. Let's just say that today had to be one of the worst days in the history of Rania Lords. I've been through a lot, but today was a day out of a teenage drama series. Now today had started off ok, I had done all the usual things I would do in most of my periods, but that was until 5th period when Arnold dropped the F bomb on me.
We were both working on a science project on how oil spills are affecting how the environment and the oil industry. Since the only thing we had to work together on was the experiment I decided to text him on Google Hangout.

My heart was freaking broken! Arnold asked me out FIRST! Now my F-ing ENEMY is going to take my crush. Sorry for the repetition, but this is just getting me angry on so many levels. I've always known Arnold had a crush on her, but he never knew I was her archenemy so this just makes it worse because I'm going to have to fake being nice to her. This is what makes lunch such a pain.
I grabbed my stuff and headed to the lunch room with a fake default face. I sit at the table we would sit at and wait for everyone to come. Normally I come first since I'm my class and locker is the nearest to the lunchroom. Next would come Angel and her crush. They were in all the same periods and they talked all the time in class. During lunch, they separated into their social groups, but today they came near my table.
"Hey, Rania! What's Benny doing here?" I said. They just stand and smile for a few seconds.
"We're going-" said Angel
"To the dance together." said Benny.
"Oh cool! Arnold isn't going to the dance with me. He told me last period that he's going to the dance with April." I said.
"No offense, but she's a total bitch." said Benny.
"The worst part is he has a crush on her and she has a crush on him. So I..."
"I know you have a crush on him." Benny said.
"Sorry! It slipped out in a bunch of our talks." she said.
"Anyway, Did you tell him that you had a problem with it?" Benny said. I showed them the texted I sent from my phone.
"OOO! That's bad." said the both of them.
"Where's Arnold?" I said.
"I don't know." said Angel.
"I gotta go, see you guys later." said Benny as he goes to the cool side of the lunch room.
A few minutes later our table is called and Arnold and April come late to the table. Good thing I have my lunch bag.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late." Arnold said.
"What were you guys doing?" I said.
"We were making out near the bathrooms." April interrupted.
YOU F-ING BITCH! I thought.
"Oh, you guys are dating." I said in a fake regular tone. 
"Yeah, no one is going to take him away." She said.
Even you! She eyed.
Whatever you say, bitch. I eyed back.
There was silence for a few minutes. During the silence, she was admiring his hair and other facial features.
"Don't you think his hair looks SEXY push back?" she said.
Translation: Bitch, he's all mine and not yours so you better back off. And you should know this from Mean Girls.
Luckly Benny heard what she said and eyed me You better get this straightened up while I'm gone. Then he took Arnold away so he could talk about his math homework. When he left I gave April the evil eye and mouthed you bitch
"I found out he was going to the dance with you and I couldn't have that happen." she said.
You bitch! I thought.
"Whateves. It's not like I had a big crush on him." I said.
"Oh, Rania, we've already established that you have a HUGE crush on Arnold and he has a huge crush on me. So I just couldn't resist toying with your love life."
Someone gon'na die to night. I thought.
"Well... how vicious of you." I said with a fake smile. If there was one thing I was going to have to was fake it. April is the kind of person who uses her popularity against her enemies by being the one to pity. If I was going to some how avoid this from happening, I had to keep my anger inside me.
"I can just see the jealousy swelling up in you. So, why don't you just show it already so we can get this over with." she said. Then Arnold waved to us and we waved back like nothing was happening.
"We can't, even you know that! If I show my jealousy you'll just get caught because I'm recording this conversation right now and I can show it to Arnold. If he finds it, he'll hate the both of us, but more importantly, you'll lose your popularity for being a bitch." I whispered.
"You're bluffing!" she said.
Yeah, I am.
"No, I care about him and I don't want him to end up with a girl like you. Even if it means ruining YOUR reputation."
Take that bitch!
"Just know he's mine and I'm going to make sure you don't EVER get him." she said right before Arnold came back.
"Arnold, can we sit at my table? I really want to sit with my friends." she Begged.
"Well, only if Rania is ok?" he said while turning to me.
Hell, no.
"It's ok with me." I said.
"Come on Arite!" she said as she grabs Arnold's arm and pulls him to her table.
Angel and Benny come to the table both disgusted and disappointed.
"It's ok with me!" Benny said.
"You're practically GIVING him away." Angel responded.
"She's on to me! She's trying to get me jealous so Arnold can become disgusted with me and never talk to me again," I said.
"She's the bitch of Ealre."
"You still can't let her take your man!" Angel said.
"This isn't Degrassi, just because she maybe hanging out with a him doesn't mean she 'stole' him from me." I said.
"Denial. You're in denial, snap out of it."
"Angel, I'm not going to talk about this anymore. Anyway-"
"We got to go see ya." she said as she and Benny leave to where Arpil and Arnold. I was left alone on the unpopular side of the lunch room with only Mel's lemonade on my table. I'm glad I'm wasn't the only one on that side or that would've been depressing. At least I can sip my lemonade and listen to lemonade mouth in peace.

Sixth period when by like a flash. All I was thinking about was the dance and how I was going to have to decorate for it as punishment for the entire postcard incident. Most of our dances are poorly decorated since it's taken as a punishment for detentionees . If you want anything done right, you don't let hooligans do the work. I was going to have to somehow stop them from decorating. And why, you might ask, well since I'm not going to go to the dance with Arnold this is the only thing that can brighten my day.  
I approach 7th period when a saw Arnold and April kissing near the back exit. It's official, my love life just died. And the worst was I was going to have to endure this the entire period. Anyway, I walk into seventh period or known as couple’s corner. Everyone and I mean everyone had their GF’s or Bf’s in that class. The only people before today who didn’t have a GF’s and BF’s were me, Arnold, Benny, angel, and four other people. Today it seemed everyone had paired up. Great… In math we were doing a project on prime numbers and we were supposed to make a poster about one prime number. There was an odd number of students so I had to be paired with Arnold and April. Even more amazing… We decide to do a project on the number seven. It was going great till April started to flirt with Arnold. As irritating as it is I ignore them and do some research. It seemed that seven was known as a lucky number, how ironic that it was the seventh and the worst event of my life was starting at seven. Lucky number my butt. Once I find enough information I check on how the poster is doing.
“So how’s the poster doin-“ I said. I was stunted. It had been thirty minutes since we were in class and they’ve done nothing. NOTHING!
“What have you guys have been doing this entire time?” I asked.
“Chatting, what’s it to ya?” April said.
“We have half of tommow period to finish this and you guys haven’t even started it! You know what I'll work on it while you two can just smooch in the corner. " I yelled. They were still smiling after what I said and said ok then walked to the nearest corner.
"That worked well." April whispered when they got there. I then hit my head on and the desk and mope. Why did they have to hook up before the school day ended! A few minutes pass and Angel and Benny come near me.
"They're flirting aren't they?" Angel and Benny said.
"Yes..." I softly sobbed.
"You need to get your man back!" Benny said.
"I can't risk being hated by everyone and Arnold. I'm just going to face the fact that Arnold likes me as a friend and loves April. I can't change that and I'll just be single for the rest of my middle school career." I sobbed. It was the truth. I can't change the way love works and I'm just going to have to face that. I might never find the one that will love me. I just have to hope.
We stand there in silence till the bell rang. I carry my stuff near room 258 when I stopped by Arnold who's alone.
"Hey, I'm sorry about today, I knew you were expecting a date to the dance, but you know how much I liked April. I couldn't help it-"
"Arnold, I have to go. I know how sorry you feel for rejecting me for another person.  Now I have to go." I interrupted. I wasn't in the mood for talking.
"But Raina I-"
"I GOT to go." I said.
"But I-"

"See ya." I said, walking into the room without even looking at him.
I wasn't mad at him, I just lost the crush I had on him. Seventh period was the first time he had acted somewhat against me. I know that some friends do it, but Arnold is my crush. You normally don't have your crush act mean to you and this broke my heart. He crushed the crush.
I enter into the room and sit at the nearest desk. I pull out you and start writing. I just hope that everything gets resolved in the end.

Rania Lords

Ello Governors, this is the second of many more Rania adventures. I'm not sure if I should rename it as the finally middle years of Rania lords. I'm not sure. So far no one has voted yet on what my new segment should be. So VOTE! I'm still working on the last but first script and it's coming out great. I haven't wrote anything for my second book so I'm going to have to start that.And here's the time lord joke of the day.

Timelord Joke of the day


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