
The Adventures of Rania Lords: Day of the Dance {PART 2}


Dear Diary,

I've just left school and I'm heading to the nearest metro bus. I've finished decorating the place and it was a really hard. First, I had to lock all the detentionees in a courtyard, Then I had to find all the missing decorations and finally I had to fix the smoke machine. When the decorating committee (four people) and I are done, I head to my locker and I find a note.
Like I'm really going to his house just for him to apologize. He shouldn't do this because I've he's already apologized enough and I just don't want to hear it.
I throw away the note and head towards the exit. I start to approach the bus stop. I start writing to you as I wait. Some weird guy my age wearing a trench coat is sitting next to me. I hope he doesn't talk to me and that what Arnold is gonna say isn't saying how "innocent" April is. Bye.
Rania Lords.
Dear Diary, 
I've just got off the bus and I think I have a crush on a random stranger. 
I just finished writing my latest entry in you when the guy asked me if I went to Wood.
“Yeah, I go." I responded. For some reason when I heard him I felt like I knew him so I just had to spark up a conversation.
"What about you?"
"Willows. What grade are you in?"
"8th, you?"
"8th, brought to you by the worst section of school levels, MIDDLE SCHOOL!" he yelled, I chuckled.
"Middle school has been the worst for me today and yesterday." I responded
"What happened?" he asked.
"Well, let's just say that my uggs are blue and I've got to meet my friend to discuss the terrible April." I said
"Wow, that's going to be a great." he said.
"I know and he's going out with her. HER when he was suppose to go to tonight's dance with me." I said.
"At least it wasn't break-up by text." He responded.
I responded with silence.
"Wow, you have the texts?" he asked.
Would I really give a stranger my most prize possession?
"Here." I said as I pass him my iPod. He wasn't a stranger to me so I just had to. He starts scanning it and when he's done, he's surprised.
"Wow, were you just a back up date?" he said.
"I don't even know." I said softly.
"Well, at least you still have 10.2."
It took me a bit to understand and when I did I chuckled.
"Well, he never gives me fish-sticks and custard." I said.
"At least he never poisoned you with bacon." he said.
"Ah, yes, Amilea. How's your mother in law doing?" I said.
"Stuck in New York with the angels." he said in a sad tone, then the bus comes up near us.
As we get up I say: "Run you clever boy and remember."
But we get on the bus, it's crowed so we have to sit together.
"I guess I won't be running after all." he whispered as we approached the seats.
"So do you think I should go to his house?"
"Like you said in your diary, he's most likely going to say how 'innocent' April is."
"Why were you reading my diary?"
"It seemed interesting and I have the same dilemma you had a month ago. I wrote it in my diary that looks a lot like your's." he said. My diary looked like the one River Song had in Doctor Who. You should know since it's you.
"I guess were die hard Doctor Who fans." I said while chuckling quietly.
"I guess we are," he said. He then took out old-school 3D glasses and did too. Then we both said: "Allons-y." There was a few seconds of silence then we burst out laughing. Like I said, I think I'm crushing on some random stranger.
"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm ten but you can call me Jake, Jake Burer." He said.
"I'm Rania, of the Lords variety." I said in a fancy tone. He chuckles.
"Thou is extremely grateful to be rubbing the elbows with a Lord."
"Well, thou is extremely grateful to be in the presents of the Burer variety."  We both chuckle. Then I hear my bus stop being announced by the diver.
"I got to go. See ya." I said as I get my stuff.
"Oh, we'll be seeing each other sooner than you'll think." He said.
Once I get out of the bus I head towards Arnold house, but then I decide to text him.

Well, that escalated quickly! The dance is going to be even horrible. Why does this all have to happen to me! Why postcards! Why Arnold! Why April! Why my uggs! And most of all, WHY JAKE BRUER! A loveable and charming stranger, I just meet! Just why...
I Just don't have time to say "dear diary" because I'm freaking mad. Right now I'm outside the school drenched in blue slushies. This has to be the worst yet in this new saga of me writing in you. Who would've believed that yesterday was the start of you listening to my stories and the start of my middle school dilemmas. The only thing that can cheer me up is Jake and I likely most never going to meet him ever again. I'm crying even more now. Anyway, here's how everything happened:
I was getting ready for the dance by trying on all the DW or Sherlock related stuff. I decided on wearing a TARDIS necklace, blue puffy scarf, bow tie tied to my pant's belt, Sherlock hat, blue glasses (fake of course), trench coat, Game of Thrones T-shirt, and pants with 90's nick characters. And How could I forget the sand-shoes. I'm ready to win the fandom wars.
I head out the house and take the bus. No sign of Jake so I look out the window. The sunset was amazing! I sort of gave me hope that the rest of the day was going to go amazing. Not if slushies have anything to do with it.
The bus stops near the school and I meet up with Angel and Benny.
"So how's everything with Arnold?" Angel says. I passed her my iPod.
"OMG! Are you guys not friends?" She says.
"I'm not even sure. I know for one that he isn't my crush and I have a new crush." I said.
"Ooo, who is he?" said Benny.
"I just met him and all I know is that he's whovain, an 8th grader, and goes to Willows." There were a few seconds of silence the Angel said: "Did he flirt with you?"
"Yeah, fanboy and regular version. It was really cute."
"If you ever see him again, you need to make the first move." she said and Benny shook his head in agreement.
"Whatever you say." I said then I started to speed up.
I approach the school when I caught a glimpse of Arnold and April together and when they see me they give me the evil eye. I stop in my tracks and when Angel and Benny get to me they try to make me happy. They're the best. When we get in line, we're next to a person next to Arnold and April. Arnold and I pretend we don't see each other and at times we give each other the evil eye. This goes on for the next ten minutes.
"Can you stop staring at him!" April said.
"I'm not, but can you make HIM stop!" I replied.
"At least I'm not selfish." Arnold says.
Oh no you didn't! I thought.
"At least I don't dump people by text." I said softly.
"You little arrogant creepf!" He yelled.
He of all people calls ME arrogant. I was speechless, just speechless. I was silent for a bunch of minutes until I decide to make a remark I'm going to regert. As the four of us get tickets I say: "Good-bye Arnold. I hope you're happy without me." I then walk the opposite side they were at inside.
I guess it's official that Arnold and I aren't friends anymore and I don't care about because he never seemed like the person I thought he was. I guess being friends with me had brought out his nice side and now that he doesn't care about me any more he can be mean as much as he wants. I not even sure if this is true and just me trying to figure out why. It's already been seventeen minutes and the bus still isn't here. If the bus doesn't come I might have a mental breakdown! At least I have you to write in. You don't judge or try to throw slushies juice RIGHT AT ME.
Anyway the first ten minutes were boring. I try to hesitate to write to you because I already wrote two entries today. Once the DJ turns on the music we start to dance and have fun. We dance horribly and laugh. That's the best about being around friends in public. We can act crazy and laugh and just don't care that were weird. Sometimes there were slow dances and I would give Benny and Angel their room. When that happens, I go to the snack table and think about Jake. I hope that when I take the bus, he'll be on the bus and we flirt. I might even ask him out. Call me crazy. Everything was going well until April and her friends start to surround me.
"You know you're a real jerk!" April said. I was trying to back away from the table, but they keep coming closer.
"How am I?" I quietly said.
"You freaking acted mean to Arnold!" she said.
"I didn't want to talk that's all. He could've told me now, but he isn't" I said still trying to get away.
"You should've let him talk to you then! Now all he thinks about is how he's sorry. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!" she said, waving her hands in the air.
"So. How does it have to affect me, we aren't even friends anymore." I said.
"Because of YOU, your not friends! You're the reason he's like this! You're the one that caused him to change into a less nice guy! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! And you're going to pay! YOU'RE. GOING. TO. PAY!!!" she yelled. All of a sudden five people come with a bucket full of other slushie flavors and throws it at me. I open you, but it doesn't matter, It gets all over me.
"I hope your full of glee." she says.
For a few seconds everything stops and it's silent. In those seconds Arnold comes rushing over to me, but when he reaches ground zero of the slushie attack it's too late. I'm out the door.
Arnold still runs after me, screaming my name. I ignore him and head to the bus stop. I soon get irritated and do something that could of had a drastic effect on my life.
"But I need to-"
"ONE F-ING STEP AND YOU'LL NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN." I cried, coming closer to the road.
"NOW GO BACK TO THE DANCE! I NEVER, EVER WANT TO SEE YOU FREAKING FACE AGIAN! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I howled. I take a few small steps back and then goes all the way.
That's it. That should be the end to the worst day of my life. All that happened after that was I took off my uggs and socks and walked barefooted to the bus stop. I pull you out and write.
Rania Lords
PS. Sorry about getting this diary wet. This is the only thing a had with me to cover.
Dear Diary,
This rarely happens in my life, but right now I'm fangirling over life. It all happened after I just finished my latest entry. I stand for a few minutes and then I just shut down and land on the floor. I got into a tuck position and sat there for who knows how long. I was just too overwhelmed to function. Then it happened.
"Jelly Baby." said a soft voice. I slowly lift my head and see Jake. I take two and eat them.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I could barely move so all I could do jump on him and hug him. To my surprise, he accepted it and we hugged for a few minutes. Once we come apart, he says: "Rainbow bucket slushie?"
"Yeah..." I said softly.
"Hey, turn that frown upside. At least you won the fandom wars." he said, gazing into my eyes. If I didn't know he was hitting on me or try to kiss me.
"Ummm..." I said. I was caught in his trance.
"I know what you're thinking and yes, I do like you." he said then kissing me on the cheek. I stood there speechless. Was it THAT obvious.
"I never thought a guy like you believed in love at first sight." I said.
"Please, it's possible for anyone. You just have to be up to it. And speaking of love at first sight, will you try this ugg on and see if you were the girl I meet at the bus." he said, picking up the ugg still drenched in slushie juice. He moves it near my foot and I put my foot in it. It may have been wet and cold, but hey, it was romantic and I wasn't going to interrupt. I put my other foot in the other ugg and say: And we live slushly ever after." We both laugh and the bus finally comes. We flirt some more on the bus. He even comes all the way to my house.
"Thanks for the jelly babies. Will I ever see you again?" I said. We were on my front patio in a kissing position.
"Just take the bus and you'll find me." He said.  I was just waiting for him to go right in to kissing me but he doesn't.
"Well, bye-" I said, before he heads into the kiss.  He was probably just waiting like me. He left the patio and said: "Rose Tyler". He then ran off into the night sky. For the next hour I write to you, but now I just heard a knock at the door. I'm going to type in my iPod what happens. It's 5% charged so I hope it doesn't turn off.
I open the door and see none other than Arnold, the malicious  heart-breaker. He most likely planned the whole thing since he has that kind of mind capabilities (it was summer camp and I don't want to talk about it). It isn't going to be easy to say go away in a in a kind way. Whoever said I had to.
"Oh, it's YOU! I thought I told yo-" I said, but he kisses me. It was for a few minutes.


Ello Governors, I can't believe how quick it took me to write this entire story. My last one took two weeks but this one only took 4 days. It's amazing how writers block can stop you from finishing your work. When I was writing this I looked at the amount of words I had put in the last three stories and it adds up to HALF the amount I had on the book I wrote (M&MC). It took five months for me to finish that book but it only took me a few weeks to get to halfway. I'm not even halfway done with writing all the Rania stories. Also, I've just recently hit 201 views on my blog and I'm like OHMEHGLEB. When I hit 500 I've going to give someone a prize like a signed shirt or a signed M&MC book. And if I hit a million, country book tour. And last my birthday is coming and I can't wait to give you all my birthday blog. Anyway here's the Timelord Joke of the Day

Timelord Joke of the Day

I think he's talking to you fangirls.

Allons-y, my governors! 


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