
Behind The Writing: T. A. O. R. L: The Diary Thief

Ello governors! This is:

The reason I'm doing this now is because I posted a lot (three photos) on instagram and took some pictures. I'm also doing this because I had finally found an organized method to writing, editing, and formatting. 

Writing Process
First, I have to write the story and for the first time I'm typing it on my tablet.

With T.A.O.R.L episodes I type them on my computer on word but for some strange reason it's not working that well and with Blog-iary episodes, I hand write them out then later on type them. I get most of my inspiration for Rania episodes from situations that could bring the drama but would make sense to happen to the characters. A few months ago I came up with the diary thievery plot but I originally wanted April to steal it and Rania and Jake have to use the clues she has left and found April in a closet. Just that and nothing else but I decided that I should give April some character development and get her to be part of the main three. I come up with what events happen as I go along for all my writing which always comes to me in the middle of writing a scene. Oddly, I did not get writers block while writing this which I guess I didn't because I wasn't stressed and I had been listening to the Shane & Friends podcast. Unlike all my other episodes I had been listening to a podcast which helps make coming up with things easier and my writing flowing.

Editing process
This is one of the first times I've actually edited an episode of T.A.O.R.L. The reason I did it now was because there were a few parts I wanted to edit out and my tablet can't transfer fonts onto the blogger app (more on that later). With editing I take out mistakes like repeating words and grammar but I also look for some words and phases I would need formatting like thoughts and text massages. One of the most important things I have to look for when editing is if there's some continuity mistakes. For example, I might have said that Rania gave Jake a blue pen when the entire entry is written in blue and does not explain the new format. It would need to be changed to the last pinkish pen she had left. After a fourth of the story is edited, I submit them into my document but not all edits are submitted due to the fact that I need to do things that I can't do on my tablet. 

Formatting process
This is a long and hard process due to that fact that it's extremely hard to get the font I need. I would need to put it in word and get the right color then put it in power point to get the right font because word doesn't include the font code in. It gets really frustrating when it isn't put in or turns to blogger's default font. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about and how long it can take:
Taken at 2 AM
After all the fonts are done and perfect, I still have to make texts which isn't that frustrating but is also time consuming. With the new Google Hangout change, I have update my template. And getting the right Meep sticker isn't easy too. It can take up to thirty minutes to get the right one and take out the background color out. All of my texts are made with Power Point which can't always be trusted because it's almost impossible to see if the banner is slightly too long or not. But once I'm done, I get this:

After all the graphics are done and inserted and sized, all that's left is to recheck the fonts and make sure the graphics are the right size and right. 

Final step
Now that everything is done, I still have to promote the latest episode like sharing on Google plus and maybe instagram: 
Once shared, I look at the amount of people who have scene it and see if I should share it anywhere else. I also have to put a link to the blog in the T.A.O.R.L's blog list and tag it in the page bar thingy. Once everything is all and done I sleep. This can take eight to fourteen days (without school and other plans) which is why I don't publish a lot of stories because it takes time and I don't have time with school and writing my book. Now I only have one blog left before I leave for a while. :(


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