
The Adventures of Rania Shorts: The Black Friday Blues

The Adventures of Rania Lords returns to the Blog of Kevin Bloo! With a new font and new color!

Dear Diary,
It’s 3AM and Arnold and Angel are sleeping. I’m really tired because of the chase I had at the mall and my December revolution keeping me up. I’m not sure if I’ll be ready to go through with it in two days. Anyway, here’s what happened:

12 AM-
We were in the car driving to Eastfield Mall. At the time I was a bit tired and sleepy from sorting my Christmas and Thanksgiving stuff and my entire Thanksgiving as a whole but I rather not talk about it. I needed to get Christmas gingerbread cookies so that’s why I’m here. Once we get out of the car we I head to Target and try searching for the right christmas cookies I had back then. It was a few years ago when we had a scavenger hunt for some cookies and I found the most su-per gingerbread cookies. I’ve always wanted to find the cookies but never got to it because I didn’t really need it but now with how my school year has turned out so far, I think these just might keep me happy for the holidays if anything goes wrong between now and December.
I spent 30 minutes trying to find them but I couldn’t find anything. Meanwhile, Angel and Arnold were looking for their presents they were going to get for all our acquaintances. When they were done shopping they came up to me.
“You found your cookies yet?” Angel asked.
“Can I see that throw pillow?” I asked.
“Ok?” She said, passing the pillow. “But did you find your cookies yet?” I screamed into the pillow as a way of saying no.
“Nope;” I said, plopping my face in the pillow.
“I really need those cookies! Just look at my year so far! Diary thievery! April! Jake!! THE DANCE!!!;” I panicked
“Whoa! Rania, clam the flock down!” Angel said, I ignored as I continued my teen-life crisis.
“I need just one thing in my life right now or I might go crazy, maybe even looooopy!;”
“Rania, it’s not the end of the world.’ Angel said, I continued on.
“I can’t have my life be trampled by drama and conflict. OH woe is me! What if I’ll live to be cold hearted and bitter trying to-”
“RANIA! CLAM DOWN!! It isn’t the end of the world.” Angel said, shaking me.
“Oh, sorry.” she said, stopping.
“Anyway, do you guys think you can help me find the cookies?”
“Yepper!” Angel agreed.
“How about you Arnold?”
“Oh! Yeah, I’ll help.” he said, surprised. He must of been day dreaming
Angel and I looked everywhere but it only took Arnold one look to find it. I knew he was lucky.
“Wait, you found them?” I asked, really surprised.
“I think it is.” he said, pointing to the cart, I looked inside.
“It’s here... after all these year I finally get to see it;” I said. I nearly cried that moment. The beauty of it all.
“it’s more beautiful than I ever thought it was-” I said.
“We better bring this to the counter before she starts bawling out crying.” Angel said as I continued my admiring in the background.
“Or before she starts hugging or spooning it.” Arnold replied, Angel chuckled. They took the cookies and handed it to the checkout desk. I followed.

1 AM-
Once we check it out, we started heading to the door but when we got near it someone called us. We turn around to find out who it was.
“GIVE ME BACK MY COOKIES.” said some lady who was pointing at us. She looked like a sports/exercise enthusiast.
“I already checked them out!” I replied.
“GIVE THEM TO MEEEE!” she said as she started running towards us. We running all the way towards the miniature train carts and hide.
“What the heck is wrong with her!!” I asked.
“IDK! I’ve never meet her!” Angel said. I give her my “You-don’t-say” face.
“What? It’s the truth.” she said.
“Anyway, while we’re at the topic, what are you guys going to get me Christmas?” Arnold said.
“ARNOLD!” Angel and I said.
“This is not the time to ask that!” I said.
“But you know, I could give you an early gift. It’s a KNUCKLE SANDWICH!” the weird cookie lady said.
“AWW, GLITCH!” we all yelled and start running again towards Hot Topic.
When we get there, we grab a bunch of fandom merch and disguise ourselves. The cray cray lady comes into the store and talks to the store cashier.
“What are we going to do?” I asked.
“GO TO THE MASSAGE CHAIRS!” Angel loudly whispered.
“We can’t!
“Why?” she asked.
”Because of two reasons. One, it’s on the second floor and two, we’ll get caught.” Arnold whispered.
“But that’s our one only exit.” Angel refuted.
“Fine but we need a disguise because I don’t think that we have enough money to buy these.”
“Well give them to some random person on 1... 2... 3... now!” I said. We pile it all on some guy and run like the wind to the escalator but the cray cray lady caught a glimpse of us.
“Come back here! I want those COOKIES!!” she said a childish way. We kept going faster and run all the way through the hallway. We stop at Gamestop and catch Angel’s parents playing Dance Dance Revolution and people were clapping on. It was HILARIOUS! If you didn’t know, Angel’s parents are huge gamer nerds/geeks. Whenever I go to her house, I’m always seeing her parents playing a videogame and overly fangirling over them. I was laughing really hard and Arnold was dying of laughter. It was PRICELESS!!
“Hey Angel! Give us an hour; I have to whoop your father’s butt!” Angel's mom said.
“Not if I beat you AGAIN.” her dad said. Arnold and I fell down still laughing and I couldn’t stop smiling.
“Can we go back to getting chased?” Angel gruchy asked.
“We could-” The cookie lady said but stopped when she saw Arnold and I.
“Is there something wrong?” She asked.
“No, they’re laughing at my parents and they’re playing Dance Dance Revolution.” Angel replied then facepalmed.
“You poor teen. Anyway, where are the cookies?”
“Why do you want them?”
“Well, on live television on the news, I’m going to either burn or stomp on those cookies and show them the wonders of the Christmas carrot. I want to show people that you shouldn’t eat junk for on such a great and special holiday but that you should eat a healthy and nutritious snack.”
“That makes a lot of sense but shouldn’t they be here in the morning?”
“Well, yes but... oh...”
Angel turns around and catches a “glimpse of the newscasters” and tells the cookie lady.
“GASP! WAIT FOR ME ABC!!!!!” she yelled, running away for the Gamestop. After she was out of sight, Angel takes the cookies and runs off to Target.
After ten minutes, we realize that Angel had left and taken the cookies. We go to Target and try finding angel. A few minutes later, we were having our doubts.
“I don’t think she’s here.” Arnold said.
“Well, she’s got to be...;” I said. I started pacing back and forth, biting my thumb nails
“UHG! WHERE IS SHE!” I yelled.
“Watch out Rania!” Angel yelled. She was running with a shopping cart while being chased by the cookie lady. When Angel passed us, we started chasing her and when we caught up, we help push the cart. We kept going faster and faster but so did the cookie lady.
“She’s on our tail! We’ve got to lose her somehow!” Arnold said.
“I got an idea!!” I said. I told them to speed up and head to the Weight Watchers section. Once we were out of watch, we grab Weight Watchers christmas cookies and “accidental” drop them.
“Oh no! Not the cookies.” I acted.
“Yes! I AM VICTORIOUS!!” She said, getting the deore cookies.
“TO THE CASH REGISTER!!” She yelled, putting her fist up in the air like a superhero and running to the cash register.

1:47 AM-
We go outside and walk to the food court with all our stuff. It was 1:47 and we still have thirteen minutes till Angel’s parents are done dance dance revolving. I tried looking for my diary (you) but it seemed that I must of left it at Angel’s place.
“UHG! I can’t believe I left my diary.” I yelled. Angel and Arnold don’t replied but give me a dirty look.
“What?” I said.
“All you did was write in there the entire holiday.” Arnold said.
“You shouldn’t be writing in your diary ALL the time, just only a bit. But you’re writing so much that you aren’t living with the world around you.” Angel said.
“Lately, all you’ve been doing is writing when we’re hanging out,” Angel said.
“Solving a problem,” Arnold said, they switched back and forth.
“Riding on or waiting for the bus,”
“And when you’re on breaks at the library.”
“The truth is that you may be writing your emotions and experiences.”
“But you not experiencing emotions and having experiences.”
“Today you didn’t have a diary but look at what you’ve done. You experience a chase for cookies.”
“COOKIES that gave you an emotion and you laughed which was also emotion conveying.”
Wow, I never realized how much I actually write. I always thought it was ok writing out my emotions but I never thought it was rude or annoying towards other people.
“I guess I do write in my diary a lot. I could try writing a bit less.” I said.
“Yeah! BTW, you own us two packages of homemade cookies. We helped you with finding out your December revolution.” Angel said.
“Thanks.”I said smiling.

Angel’s parents finally came at 1:53 and we got back to her house at 2. For a full hour, I didn’t write to you but I'm mixed about writing less. Anyway, I’ve got to go, I think Angel might of found out that I’m awake and writing.
Rania Lords
(P.S Happy Thanksgiving!)

P.S.S It’s morning and I recently turned on the TV and I had just been flipping through channels and I found a news channel with the cookie lady. She stomped on the Weight Watchers cookies and said that you shouldn’t eat high calorie foods for Christmas and eat Christmas carrots with lower calories. Then the news caster said, and I quote “But doesn’t Weight Watchers have less calories and are healthy.” She responded, “FLOCK!”

Revenge is a batch of cookies served sweet and gooey.

I loved writing this and it has to be one of my most favorite Rania stories I've wrote so far. I can't write to write more and more Angel too. This as to be her best role yet. Anyway, on with the block!


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