
The Adventures of Rania Lords SHORTS: The Black Friday Blues Prequel

Ahhh, thanksgiving night! A great time to show what you’re thankful for but a few people aren’t Thankful for a girl named Rania Lords...

She scribbled,
and dimpled
all over her Diary all the time,
During class,
During lunch,
one time on her pass,
but mostly in her Diary.
In there she caught up,
but never looked up.
She barely took
or looked,
only in her little book.
They couldn’t make of it,
or made a fit,
So they decide to show Rania,
that her diary was beginning to be a dilemma
In a December Revolution

that was their only solution.

Find out what happend next in the new TAORL short!
Here's a First Look at the short:
Dear Diary,
It’s 3AM and Arnold and Angel are sleeping. I’m really tired because of the chase I had at the mall and my December revolution keeping me up. I’m not sure if I’ll be ready to go through with it in two days. Anyway, here’s what happened:

12 AM-
We were in the car driving to Eastfield Mall. At the time I was a bit tired and sleepy from sorting my Christmas and Thanksgiving stuff and my entire Thanksgiving as a whole but I rather not talk about it. I needed to get Christmas gingerbread cookies so that’s why I’m here. Once we get out of the car we I head to Target and try searching for the right christmas cookies I had back then. It was a few years ago when we had a scavenger hunt for some cookies and I found the most su-per gingerbread cookies. I’ve always wanted to find the cookies but never got to it because I didn’t really need it but now with how my school year has turned out so far, I think these just might keep me happy for the holidays if anything goes wrong between now and December.
I spent 30 minutes trying to find them but I couldn’t find anything. Meanwhile, Angel and Arnold were looking for their presents they were going to get for all our acquaintances. When they were done shopping they came up to me.
“You found your cookies yet?” Angel asked.
“Can I see that throw pillow?” I asked.
“Ok?” She said, passing the pillow. “But did you find your cookies yet?” I screamed into the pillow as a way of saying no.
“Nope;” I said, plopping my face in the pillow.
“I really need those cookies! Just look at my year so far! Diary thievery! April! Jake!! THE DANCE!!!;” I panicked
“Whoa! Rania, clam the flock down!” Angel said, I ignored as I continued my teen-life crisis.
“I need just one thing in my life right now or I might go crazy, maybe even looooopy!;”
“Rania, it’s not the end of the world.’ Angel said, I continued on.
“I can’t have my life be trampled by drama and conflict. OH woe is me! What if I’ll live to be cold hearted and bitter trying to-”
“RANIA! CLAM DOWN!! It isn’t the end of the world.” Angel said, shaking me.
“Oh, sorry.” she said, stopping.
“Anyway, do you guys think you can help me find the cookies?”
“Yepper!” Angel agreed.
“How about you Arnold?”
“Oh! Yeah, I’ll help.” he said, surprised. He must of been day dreaming
Angel and I looked everywhere but it only took Arnold one look to find it. I knew he was lucky.
“Wait, you found them?” I asked, really surprised.


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