
Blog-iary: #Shipping #OTP PREVIEW

September 26, 2014
Danitorial: Crushes
We all get crushes one time or another, especially in middle school. We’re forced to have them and forced to mindlessly swoon over them in a very weird and illogical manner. I can easily sum, it up into a crush rendition of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". *Clears throat*

🎶Row, row, row your ship gently down the OTP.
I'm dedicating my life to this O.T.P!🎵

Beyond beautiful ;-; You know who would sing this song don't you? Your friends, specifically the hardcore shipper ones. The dedication to ships these friends have is tremendously huge. They will dedicate their September lives to this ship or O.T.P if you will. They could even dedicate their Pumpkin Spice- I mean, October lives to this OTP. They might never stop until their ship will sail towards Canon-da. When I mean dedication, I'm not just talking about constant reminding. I'm talking about fake weddings, shrines and fan art. Just anything that says "Hey, JUST FREAKING DATE ALREADY!!!!". They will not rest until this ship is the
(Although the more OTP's you have, the more that word loses it's meaning because shouldn't it just include one ship, not three hundred ships)

Which brings me to my latest ship, Vike or Valeria x Mike, which I've dedicated quite some time to. Although, it’s gotten to the point where the whole gang is really sick of them not getting together. Just take the stairwell incident on Monday.

It was around sixth period when we all bumped into each other in the stairwell. Val and Mike were in front of both groups and instantly stopped when they saw each other. The whole place got quiet. Mike and Val were staring at each other, both too nervous to say anything. Jen, Jenny, Danny and I were all trying to hint them to say or do something, but they just stood there. Danny poked Mike and motioned him to do something, but he didn't do anything. Jenny tapped Val on the shoulder, but she didn't do anything.
All of this in the span of seven seconds, they just stared at each other. Danny had eventually pushed Mike towards Val.
"HEy, Val.." He said, really nervous.
"Hey, Mikey..." Val responded. More awkward silence.
"So Vaalll..."
"Yeah?" she said, she popped up ecstatically. I'm guessing she thought he was finally going to ask her out.
"Do you..." He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fist.
"Yes, Mike?"  she said, looking at him, dead in his closed eyes.
"Want to go somewhere… with… just… the group?" he said. His voice cracked. It was a very embarrassing sight to see. It made the whole group wince.
"Oh.. ok.." Val said in a low, disappointed tone.
"Can we-" Danny tried to say, but Jen interrupted him.
"No Danny, just wait."

We went in the opposite direction and went over the “game plan”.


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