
The Adventures of Rania Lords: Arnold's Stories


Dear diary,
My phone died so I wasn't able to get all the thoughts I wanted to jot down. Sorry for ending it on a climactic note. Anyway, I'll pick up from where I left off.
"... just no. I can't... I like someone else." I said.
"But... I.." he said, softly.
"I'm sorry, but today... you crushed the crush..." I said. There were a few seconds of silence before Arnold replied.
"Can't you change your mind?" he begged.
"Arnold... I kissed him, he likes me and I like him."
"You were too late."
Who would've thought in a million years that me of all people would reject Arnold. Arnold, the perfect, kindest, and good looking guy you could meet was being rejected by a super geek who wasn't the most popular. You would always think that it would be backwards, but it isn't the case. And Arnold is just devastated. In all the years I've known Arnold, he's always cool, calm, and collected but today I've never seen him pop. Now he's as devastated as a person who had lost a relative. This was overwhelming for the both of us, so much that Arnold ran away from the pouch and towards home. I would get it too because we've never faced this much drama ever. The last two days have been the most dramatic in the last thirteen years I've been alive for. My life is starting to spin into a teenage drama show and I wasn't going to let it happen. I have to find a way to stop it. I liked the world I use to live in. It was great and fun. I never had any huge problems. Now it's like the universe is out to get me and I have no opinon on whether to stop the drama or continue on. All I can do is write to you because, like every TV show when you prevent drama, it always escalates much more than than the original problem. So I guess I just have to continue life this way and hope it's temporary.

Rania Lords
Dear Diary,
Arnold hasn't texted me yet. I'm really worried that he might hate me now for rejecting him. I'm especially worried because he would always text me in the morning on the weekends since the fifth grade. I really hope he doesn't hate me.
Rania Lords
PS. He hasn't texted me yet, but it's already six thirty. He most likely hates me and I've ruined our entire friendship. It's one of the things I hate about love. It's a friendship killer. Speaking of relationships, Jake and I started hanging out at the mall. I learned that he was a HUGE geek, the kind that would most likely be the main commander in a fandom war. I sort of found it cute since a was a huge geek.
When we approached Mel's Lemonade shack when we saw April. She seemed pissed off for some reason. Most likely after the dance Arnold dumped her after the entire slushie thing, but she never even loved him. That entire thing should've been a whatever moment.
"You freaking little UHG! You made me lose my boyfriend!" said April  when she noticed us. I guess it wasn't. She was only a ten feet from me, but I could feel her firey anger engulfing me.
"All this coming from the person who didn't even loved him." I said. I can't believe she was the one angry at what happened. She freaking used him for my torture and her enjoyment. Of all people, I should be mad. It took her a bit to answer back
"Ok, I didn't like him, but I did think he was a nice guy, but still you stole him from me." she accused.
"I didn't take him. I rejected when he kissed me and asked me out," I said then pulling Jake's arm. "I liked someone else."
She smiled when I finished like an evil villain from a cartoon.
"Well, well,WELL, he's all MINE then." she said before her phone rang.
"He-, What does you me-, I AM NOT-, but-, I- UGH." she said into the phone.
"This isn't the last you've seen of ME!" she said as turned and went into a store. We went towards Mel's when Jake asked me a question.
"What was that about?" he said.
"I think Arnold called her and rejected her. Which means... he's here and watching." I said then pulling his arm towards the outside doorway.
I guess he's ignoring me because he's just jealous of the both of us. Whateves. Oh, I just got a knock on the door and this time I'm bringing you this time for no climatic endings. I approach the door and look in the peephole. I didn't see anyone but I did see a little green book with Arnold's name on the cover. I decide to pick it up and on the back it had a sticky note. It said: Read about yesterday to the last page.
So I decide to read it.
Rania Lords

Dear Journal,
I'm mad, happy, and depress at the same time! My crush, April asked me out in the morning, my other crush, Rania is mad at me and given up all hope of us being friends, and did I mention that she somewhat ignore all that I said to her when I APOLOGIZED. Anyway, let me start with me walking to school. Today Rania had decided to take the bus since Angel was getting lonely on the bus. This was a perfect opportunity for April to ask me out and she did. It all happened like this:
I was walking along the path near our school when April approached me without her entourage. She always comes to school with them.
"Hey Arnold!" She said in a really kind tone. This really wasn't surprising because she was  nice to me the last three months for some reason.
"Hey." I said.
"There's something I want to ask you." she said. This struck me as a surprised. Of all people to talk to, the most popular person in the school wants to strike up a conversation with ME. And to make it more bizarre, she's one of the two people in the entire world that I have a crush on.
"What is it?" I responded.
"I like you, like you and I want you to come to the dance with me and be my boyfriend." she said nervously. The most popular girl in school that I have a crush with wanted to ask out ME! An average cute geek who was no where from being popular gets asked out by the hottest and most popular girl in the school. AND she was a girl I HAD A CRUSH ON. Sorry for the repetition, but this is just too mine boggling. Anyway, if I was an average person, I would be speechless, but I was a cool and calm guy so this wasn't as mind boggling as I thought if you saw my face.
"Ok, but what about Rania, how am I suppose to break the news that I can't come with her. She'll be heartbroken." I said.
"Fine then I guess I'll ask out someone else." she said a bit hurt. I couldn't rejected a hurt person so I agreed to let her down easy.
"Arnoldo." she said, kissing me on the cheek and ran towards the front of the school. How was I ever going to let Rania down.

The next few periods I had hesitated to tell Rania about April. She seemed so happy when we talked that I didn't want to be a party pooper. So in 5th period I decided to text her the bad news.
I know break-up by text is just shallow, but I had to. Most likely she was going to be happy for the rest of the day. Fat chance of that anymore.
When I got out the library April had approached me and asked me if I told her the bad news. I show her the text messages I sent Rania.
"I hope that she's ok." she said in a sincere tone.
"I hope so;" I said.
"Anyway, how-" I said, but I was interrupted by her trying to kiss me. Like any sane person I let her. It wasn't magical, but I felt like a boy pef kissing a popular girl. It was weird. I was out of my kissing comfort zone, but I liked it. My pef side was showing. I had to stop it, but I couldn't. My mind was torn.
  Even after the bell rings we're still kissing. After a few minutes we still and hold hands to the lunch room. I still can't believe this is all happening. This was turning out to be the best day ever. WAS.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late." I said.
"What were you guys doing?" Rania said.
"We were making out near the bathrooms." April interrupted.
Oh no, this isn't going to end well. I thought.
"Oh, you guys are dating." Rania said.
Yep, something was going to go down. I thought.
"Yeah, no one is going to take him away." She said.
They're eyeing each other! This isn't going to end well. Not at ALL. I thought.
There was silence for a few minutes. During the silence, she was admiring my hair and my other facial features. She was obviously trying to make her jealous.  
"Don't you think his hair looks SEXY push back?" she said.
As the movie, Mean Girls would say, she's marking her territory on ME. Girls fight over me... well, it isn't that surprising. It had to happen in a matter of time. Benny, Angel's new boyfriend asked me to help him with his math homework. I agreed. When I was helping him I tried to listen in on what April and Rania were saying. It seemed April was trying to mark her ground in a selfish way. It had to be a sign that she really liked me or was a really big arrognt a-hole, but she was nice to me so it had to be the first one. I come back to the table when things settle down.
"Arnold, can we sit at my table? I really want to sit with my friends." she Begged.
"Well, only if Rania is ok?" I said while turning to her.
"It's ok with me." she lied. It was obvious she didn't want to, but she was trying to hide it.
"Come on Arite!" she said as she grabs my arm and pulls me to her table. On the way I kept thinking whether or not I should try to apologize to Rania. While April was socializing with her friends I decide to apologize to her in 7th period.
Anyway, next period April and I flirt and get to know each other. I had a sense that April was somewhat of a geek. No wonder we got along so good.
We do the same in 7th period, but Rania got jealous and annoyed. Towards the end of the period she decides to check up on us.
“So how’s the poster doin-“ she said. She looked extremely annoyed that we hadn't done anything. I couldn't blame her.
“What have you guys have been doing this entire time?” she asked.
“Chatting, what’s it to ya?” April said.
“We have half of tommow period to finish this and you guys haven’t even started it! You know what I'll work on it while you two can just smooch in the corner. " she yelled.
I was in jerky-popular-guy-mode so we were still smiling after what she said and said ok then we walked to the nearest corner. "That worked well." April whispered to me when we got there. I snickered like an average jerky popular I am.
After a bit of thought I decide to tell April to meet me at the tennis courts when she's done getting her stuff. I head towards room 258 to meet Rania.
"Hey, I'm sorry about today, I knew you were expecting a date to the dance, but you know how much I liked April. I couldn't help it-"
"Arnold, I have to go. I know how sorry you feel for rejecting me for another person. Now I have to go." She interrupted. I had a feeling she wasn't mood for talking but, I had to apologize and I wasn't going to let her skip it.
"But Raina I-"
"I GOT to go." I said.
"But I-"
"See ya." she said, walking into the room. She didn't even bother to look back. UHG! I was obviously trying to apologize to her and she just shuns me! That's just rude, even for what I did. She could of listened and ignored me instead of SHUNING me. This made me really upset until April and I reach Mel's Lemonade shop. Whenever I have a Mel's lemonade slushie, it cools down my nerves and I'm at peace. I never start a rehearsal without one. Once take one slip, my anger turns into calmness. April notices and ask me if there had been a problem.
"It's just Rania." I said, a bit annoyed.
"Oh, she isn't ok with the entire dumping thing."
"Yeah." I said. This was starting to get me depressed. When she told me goodbye it was like she was hurt and had never wanted to see me again. This coming from one of my first best friends. Who couldn't have been heartbroken about this.
"Well, you shouldn't let her get to you. She such a drama queen."
"No, she isn't." I said. I've never seen her act too dramatic.
"Think about it, she acts rude to you when it wasn't even needed just so the attention is on her. She flips on us when all we wanted to do was have fun, and she acted mean to me at the lunch table with her looks. That just screams total drama queen." she said.
"I guess so, but that was only today. She didn't act like this earlier in the week." I said
"What about that little postcard thing she did? It was totally out of place. She could of let the note she left in the bin but NOOO, she has to go after it up the roof where there's a bunch of roof fans. Any sane person would get out of there but she wants attention so she gets it in the most dramatic way. Face it, she wants to attract attention to herself." she said.
It was the truth. She did get a lot of attention the last two days. Was she really turning into a drama queen. It's impossible to tell. This could all be really bad luck. I take another sip of my lemonade slushie and try to convey about what she said. I had finally come to a conclusion.
"Maybe you're right, she is starting to turn into a drama queen... but we can't stop it from getting any further than this."
"Maybe we can," she said smiling.
"What is it?"
"We give her a huge rainbow slushie shower! She'll see that being a drama queen can get you negative attention." she said. For as long as I've known April (a few months), this seemed out of place for her personality. Frankly, this seemed to scare me a bit.
"Are you sure about this? It seems really mean." I said.
"It's the only way to put that a-hole in her place." she said.
"Give me some time to think about it."
"Ok, hey... don't you have to pratice for the play?"
How clumsy of me! I thought.
"Oh yeah, bye." I said, picking up my stuff (including my slushie) and headed straight to school. Before I left the door April gave me a surprise kiss. Again, it was unexpected and great.
After practice was done, I decided to put drop a not in Rania locker. She should get it when she’s done decorating.

I hope she gets it. I head home and start writing in you. I hope she comes.
Dear journal, I’m at the dance and I'm super annoyed. My friendship is falling apart and all I can do is mourn. She still didn't come, but she should be done by this time. I was starting to get a bit angry. Why would she just ignore me and not even text. Something was up. I fiddle a bit with my iPod and change the font. It was the only thing that kept Rania out of my mind.
Segoe Print, perfect! I thought. Then it rings so I stop the download.
I should of listened to April. She's become a total drama  queen and I can't do a thing about it unless I go with the thing April suggested. It's the only way to get my good old Rania back. I just hope that it will work.

At least someone doesn't think I'm a jerk. For a person who made a plan like this she's taking it like it's nothing. Whateves. My friend is going to be dethroned for her drama queen title and it's going to be great.

We were both waiting in line after discussing how Rainbow slushie was going to work. She had already gotten her friends to buy buckets of slushies.
"Can you stop staring at him!" April said.
"I'm not, but can you make HIM stop!" Rania replied.
"At least I'm not selfish." I said.
I just went there, MHMM! I thought.
"At least I don't dump people by text." she mumbled softly. First of all, I know dump-by- text is a low way of dumping you, but did you really want me to dump you when you REALLY happy. Second, what's the big deal! I freaking apologized to you and I could've done it a second time if she wasn't acting like such a BIG FAT A-HOLE!
"You little arrogant creep!" I yelled.
What I meant to say is: YOU LITTLE A-HOLE! I've tried to apologize to you TWICE and you ignored me. YOU'RE JUST AN ARROGANT DRAMA QUEEN WHO SHOULD JUST STAY IN HER FREAKING LITTLE  CASTLE AND NEVER EVER COME OUT AGAIN. I'm only one percent sorry about saying this but, you and this friendship is OVER! O. V. E. R! OVER!
After all these years she's finally broken my balance between insanity and coolness. I no longer worried if I was too mean anymore. I've just called one of my best friends an arrogant creep. I can't undo that by never mentioning it. A few of  the 8th grade population heard me and now it's going to spread everywhere. My good guy rep was destroyed because of my drama queen "friend". What was the use anymore. My coolness went down and my insanity went up thus unbalancing a scale a spent so much to unbalance. Thanks, Rania, thanks for ruining my school career.
For a bunch of minutes, neither one of us talks. We just wait till we get into the front of the line. When we get to the front Rania decides to break the silence.
" Good-bye Arnold. I hope you're happy without me." she said, then going to the opposite side of the dance floor.
I guess now it was official. Rania Lords and Arnold Davis were no longer the best of friends, but now are the worst of enemies. Who would of thought.
For the rest of the dance I start writing to you. It was the only thing that could ease the pain and it somewhat did. As the dance continued I started to get back to my calm and collective-ness. Right now I could dance and act crazy and not even care or get depressed.
Arnold Davis
COULD. I never said am, I said COULD. Now I can't anymore because my heart has been shattered into a million pieces and I'm not sure if I can take it. Right after I closed you I saw April and her friends surround Rania. I had completely forgotten about rainbow slushie.
"You know you're a real jerk!" April said. Rania tried to back away, but they keep coming closer. 
"How am I?" Rania quietly said. I knew I had to stop this but the vengeful side of me fought the urge to help. I was paralyzed.
"You freaking acted mean to Arnold!" April said.
"I didn't want to talk that's all. He could've told me now, but he isn't." she said still trying to get away, but it was hopeless.
"You should've let him talk to you then! Now all he thinks about is how he's sorry. IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!" she said, waving her hands in the air. I was finally seeing how much of a horrible, lying, cold hearted creep April really was. She only asked me once to dance and see seemed ok with me saying no.  
"So. How does it have to affect me, we aren't even friends anymore." Rania said.
"Because of YOU, not your friends! You're the reason he's like this! You're the one that caused him to change into a less nice guy! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! And you're going to pay! YOU'RE. GOING. TO. PAY!!!" April yelled. All of a sudden five people come with a bucket full of other slushie flavors and throws it at Rania. She tries to open her diary to dodge the jucie, but It gets all over her. It was a horrible sight. Her fandom outfit was ruined and it's all my fault.
"I hope your full of glee." she says. 
For a few seconds everything stops and it's silent. No one thought April had this much capability to act this terrible. But in those seconds, I regain control over my body and comes rushing over to me, but it's too late. Once I got there she runs out the door.  I try running after her, screaming my name but she ignores my calls and head to the bus stop. Themn the unthinkable happens. 
"But I need to-"
 "ONE F-ING STEP AND YOU'LL NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN." she cried, coming closer to the road. 
"NOW GO BACK TO THE DANCE! I NEVER, EVER WANT TO SEE YOU FREAKING FACE AGIAN! GET AWAY FROM ME!" She howled. She takes a few small steps back and then goes all the way.
I slowly head back to the dance. That there had just filled my rage tank to the max that it's now topping over. And it's all going to get on April.
"It worked! Now it looks like your friend isn't going to be a drama queen no more." April said, hugging my arm.
"Drama queen! Of all people YOU'RE  the DRAMA QUEEN." I said.
"What do you mean, Artie?" She said.
"I'm breaking up with you! You used me so you could torture Rania for your own ENTERTAMENT! You act all innocent but the truth is YOU'RE A COLD HEARTED USER! You don't care how people feel when you toy with their emotions. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU LIKED SOMEONE, AND HAVE THEM USE YOU TO RUIN SOMEONE IMPORTANT TO YOU'S LIFE! Wouldn't be fun, would it! I can't believe I've ever LIKED you! YOU'RE JUST A SLEFISH DRAMA QUEEN AND DOESN'T CARE WHO'S LIFE SHE RUINS TO LIVE IN THE DELUDED REALITY YOU WANT TO LIVE IN! SO AS I SAID, WE. ARE. OVER!" I protested, then when I finished, I ran out the other door to the side parking lot.
April follows with a bucket full of slushie juice.
"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR YOU WORDS!!!" she yelled, then tried to splash the slushie juice at me but I ducked.
"Just what you needed! MORE DRAMA! I'm going to start calling you April, the QUEEN OF DRAMA!" I mocked. She already crushed my spirit so I held back no mercy. She tried to tackle me, but her friends held her back.
"It's not a surprise. No matter how much anyone will try. You're just a deluded girl who starves for drama. And now you no longer have a way of causing drama without being ignored. You are useless now." I said right in her face. Her friends couldn't hold on to her any longer and she runs after me. When we get to the high bars she tries to tackle me but fails causing her to slip. I head to the first step of the long, stone staircase. April gets back up and stares at me. Her friends are behind her, paralyzed to do anything about this. We just stand there for a few minutes. Then I do something even more unthinkable.

"It's your choice, April... you can push me and I'll die or you could plunge

right at me and we both die OR... we could forget about the whole thing. It's your choice.” I warned. She hesitates at first. Then she steps closer and closer to me. She come in front of me.

"You’re lucky." She says as she turns around and goes back to the dance. I sign and walk backwards down the stairs. It’s all over. No more drama. Now I just have to fix things with Rania.
Dear Journal,
Fat chance of that happening! Anyway, I was just about to open the door when I heard someone.
"Hey, Arnold." said a voice. I turn around and saw some guy dressed as David Tennat’s version of The Doctor.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
"We don’t know each other but we will. Anyway, I know you crush Rania." He said. How does he know about Rania? She never told me about him.
"How do you know her?" I said.
"Bus, we sort of clicked;" he said. My emtions were starting to expoled.
"Anyway, you need to go to her. You may think she hates you but the truth is she feels betryed. Deep down she still loves you and you need to tell her before she fully falls in love with me. She’s the one for you not me."
I paused my emotion exploshion. I can’t belive after all of this she still love me. I have to go but my body wouldn’t move.
"Come on! Allons-y!" he said then grabbing my arm and pulling me towards Rania’s house. When we got near Rania’s house when he stops.
"This is the only chance you have to set things right. Put all your might and emotion into this. GO!" he said. I then go to her house and knock on the door.
"Oh, it's YOU! I thought I told yo-" Rania said, but I kisses me. It was for a few minutes. My emotion explosion just exploded. Then it happened.
"Arnold... just no. I can't... I like someone else." she said.
"But... I.." I said, softly. I was starting to feel hurt.
"I'm sorry, but today... you crushed the crush..." she said. There were a few seconds of silence before I replied.
"Can't you change your mind?" I begged.
"Arnold... I kissed him, he likes me and I like him."
"You were too late."

The last words she said to me were the worst I’ve ever heard.
"You were too late."
I just have to tell her what happened, but it won’t work. Maybe if I gave her you, she’ll understand.
Arnold Davis

Dear diary,
I never knew… I just never thought that Arnold was thinking all of this. I was wrong about the slushie incident. He just forgot to cancel it. It was the anger was talking not the Arnold I know and love. I shouldn't have flipped out on him. I wouldn't be surprised if he never talks to me again. I need to text him to right this wrong.

There. Everything is somewhat balnced in my little world.There shouldn't be any more problems. Hopefully.

Raina lords.

I'm now posting Rania stories on Deviantart. If you don't know my deviantart search it in the search bar at the bottom of the page. I'm going to post things on Fridays now not Saturdays. I hate waiting like Matt Smith's Doctor. Speaking of Doctor Who, TIME FOR THE TIMELORD JOKE OF THE DAY!!!

Timelord Joke of The Day

Sorry ten, but he wore it more than you. But we still think bow ties are cool. BOW TIES!


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