
New in Series

The Adventures of Rania Lords: Essay Outline

Previously... *** I heard a person knocking against the recycling bin I fell in. “You know I can see you in there?” a voice said. I emerged from my recycling bin like a whale from the ocean. To my dismay, the person knocking was my assistant principal, Mr. Adams. “Hello, Mr. Adams!” I said, cheerfully. The kind of cheerful where you know you’ve F-ed up, but don’t want to cause a scene. “Hello, Rania. So, how are you?” “Pretty good!” “Really? I’d be shaken if I fell from a roof, into a recycling bin.” “Oh, you saw that?” I said, pretending surprised. “Very much so! It was almost,” He said, pretending to ponder what words to come up with. “Highly dangerous... And purely stupid!” “Oh...” I said, getting nervous. “You know how much I’d give that dive out of a ten?” he asked. “A zero out of ten?” “Ha ha, more like a referral out of ten.” he said. “Please, Mr. Adams, don’t give me a referral!” I begged. “I won’t if you do one thing.” “What?” “Give


Hey, I'm alive!

To get to the point, I'm making this a personal blog. No more schedules or whatever. I'm no longer treating this blog as a tv network. It's hard for me to write now because I write so much that I had to give this up. I hate that I no longer find joy in using this blog because it was really fun in the beginning. It was a place where I could share random ideas but I tried making things too complicated. I wanted to treat this as a company than a hobby and burnt my self out. I couldn't write for months on end because I forced my self to write. So, from now on, no more deadlines. No more promises. This blog will be a place where I just post anything. Whether it's a blog-iary or a random thought, I want this to be my blog. Not the blog network. With that said, I'm not giving up on the series but don't expect a lot. I want to take a break from these characters and worlds so the best thing now for me to do is write when I feel like it. I'm not going to post ever

The Adventures of Rania Lords Scripted: Lovely Volunteering Part One

INT.   RANIA’S   ROOM-NIGHT Rania   is   is   on   her   bed,   looking   up   at   the   ceiling.   The   room is   brightly   lit   and   messy.   Rania   sits   up   in   her   panda pajamas,   legs   crossed   and   enters   a   numbering   into   her    phone.   RANIA Hey,   Angel!   I   just   got   back   from the   Home   For   The   Needy   thing. Angel   is   on   the   other   end.   ANGEL   (V.O) It   was   really   that   late? RANIA (Collapses   on   the   bed) Yeah,   but   at   least   it   was   fun. ANGEL   (V.O) Speaking   of   fun,   did   anything exciting   happen? RANIA Well,   I   don’t   know,   but   I   think   I might   have   a   crush   on   Arnold. ANGEL   (V.O) (gasps)OH   MY   GOD!   TELL   ME   THE   DEATS,   girl! RANIA Okay,   but   let   me   start   from   the beginning.   EXT.   VOLUNTEERING   AREA-   MORNING 20   people   are   in   line   to   receive   their    assignments   for   the